Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Do You Project Fear and Judgement onto Other Women?

As I was sitting here in my comfy chair at the library, and as an acquaintance of mine in town sat down opposite to where I was sitting, I began to feel self-conscious because I don’t shave my legs. I usually don’t wear bottoms that show my legs off- but today I am wearing some, Capri’s. This is new for me.

So, instead of covering up my legs as usual (or shaving them), the difference here is that I’m revealing my true self and showing my hairy legs to the world.

Did you know that body hair is actually sign of sexual maturity? It baffles me why it’s so popular for women then, to shave it all off.

Is this what Women, (We-Men), really want for ourselves?

Even though in my heart and soul, I know, women shouldn’t have to shave their legs, and it shouldn’t be taboo to have hairy legs, in my mind I’m still holding onto fears.

Honestly, I am not completely comfortable with myself in my body, at least not when I am Think, THINK, THIN-KING, about it. I even JUDGE MYSELF for having hair on my legs, how Ridiculous is That, seeing that nearly EVERYONE has hair on their LEGS! It’s a Natural Part of being a Human Being!

But really, who are we to judge other women and ourselves for not shaving off the hair that grows naturally on our bodies? Where is the love in our hearts for our human physical bodies that we were born within and as for this life, or for other women? Where is the respect for nature and it’s design? Where is the gratitude?

Why is there Judgement?

I have a hunch that those plastic hand-held razor blade commercials have something to do with this… Catastrophe. For starters, the commercials are always ‘Beautiful‘ and live up to women’s ideals of a Peaceful, Fun and PERFECT life.

Wouldn’t life just be peachy without all that peach fuzz?

Well, obviously that’s what the women’s and men’s razor companies want you to think, so you’d buy what they’re selling you, out of fear.

Just look at some of these ads.

15 Creepiest Vintage Ads of All Time

The truth is though, that ‘Beauty‘ is defined by ‘Ugliness’ in the mind. When we strive to be beautiful we have actually judged something as being ugly, instead of seeing life for what it is, equal and one to us as the physical.

Before I stopped shaving, I remember judging other women for not shaving their hair impeccably, or at all.

If I saw women with bushy armpits or stubble on their legs, I would react in fear, judging them because my programming lead me to think that women’s body hair was disgusting and un-clean. Somehow this was different for men?…

I thought only shaved armpits were acceptable even though, frankly, shaved armpits are kind of freaky and unattractive to witness. So, I’ll admit, I was brainwashed, and quite a bitch to my fellow ladies. For that, I am sorry.

Personally though, I have not had any problems with my leg hair that has negatively affected my life. Nor have I had any real positive change by shaving my legs. The only thing that changes is me spending a quarter of my day in my tiny bathtub, waging war with my leg hairs. What was I thinking? “I’m never doing this again”!.

It just seems so wrong to say, "shave off what good nature gave you"- Buy into the idea that your body hair is no good and you should get rid of it, to instead trade your freedom and money for guaranteed acceptance into our brainwashed consumer-conformist society -- abusing your body and wasting your precious time.

Another example of this is when people mow their lawn. Why do we cut the grass? It's beautiful if left alone- and when we do mow it we harm the plants, flowers and creatures that inhabit it. If people wanted to have their grass clipped so bad they could just as well invest in some pet goats. Much better than gasoline pollution and dangerous blades if you ask me.

Making women insecure about themselves has become a very powerful tool for selling useless junk. Stuff that you don’t even really want. I mean come on, who wants to cut up their armpits to end up dealing with stubble in a day or two?

Razors For Men and Women

The truth folks, is that we we as women and men are accepting this fate of non-self-acceptance, as all, as one, as equal, within becoming slaves to the media and corporations- by allowing insecurity, fear, and judgement within ourselves.

But, is it too late to change this fate? No, I don’t think so.

Although it takes time to de- and re- program oneself, that’s just the natural process of change. It will take patience, commitment, and consistency- to finally be free of the False opinions of others — and more importantly ones own past ingrained Desires, Feelings and Emotions. Isn’t it worth it, though, and within the context of Self-Honesty, inevitable to do away with this insanity? It’s hard to fight being lured in again and again to shave after judging oneself over and over, creating negative emotions that these positive feelings of hope would smother- but none of that is real, and the truth is the truth. Sometimes you gotta stick to your guns. You have it better then you think, even if alone (all-one). Accept yourself woman! The right things come to the right people.

Now, you might say that it would be impossible to change your lifestyle because you rely on other women and men for ‘love‘, approval, fun, relationships and feeling good — but isn’t that being a slave so others will like you- while you escape the non-self-accepting truth of yourself? All women deserve more then that! Especially, YOU!

Truthfully- by standing up for yourself and your body and by not judging yourself anymore in any way, you are giving others the opportunity to do the same.

Your soul will shine, and no one can deny that.

But… what about your job, you say? I say, What kind of job requires only women to shave their legs? Do you need to shave your legs as a lifeguard to save people from drowning in the pool? No.

It’s possible you may be ‘crucified’ in the process of being yourself, but really- I’m exaggerating. Although this does take courage, YOU ARE Courage. Who cares what people think. Say it- “I am courage!”, “I am strength!”, “I have the power and freedom to be myself in the face of evil”, “I am proud of myself”, “I refrain from judging myself for having emotions — but do not accept and allow myself to believe in my emotions”, “I do not care what other people THINK”, “I love myself”, “I do not have to shave my legs to be accepted, sexy, popular, and so forth, I love and express myself fully”, “I have enough”, “I am enough”, “I cherish myself, here”.

The truth is, nothing changes when you shave your legs- people may leave you in your life, but they are not worthwhile. They are not supporting who you are as one and equal to them. In fact, they are ‘using’ you, and you don’t need them truthfully. Be yourself. Be-You-To-Full. You don’t need anyone’s approval.

Judgement is ugly. Stop the abuse! Love yourself and all that is here with and as you, one and equal. Life is beautiful!

What’s ugly is that most companies that produce razor blade and hair removal products test on animals. Gillette (from Proctor and Gamble), Bic, Nair, Veet and Walgreen’s do. Click the link below for a list of all the brands that unnecessarily and cruelly test on animals. Boycott much?

Gilette testing on dogs in Taiwan.
Note: Although there are some razor blade companies that don’t use animals to ‘test on‘ for their products, I am against using razors wholeheartedly. This is because they are unnecessary, and pollute the environment as disposable PLASTIC trash. So, I refrain from using even vegan, fair-trade (if they exist), ‘green’ razors- it just isn’t sensible to buy more crap and promulgate this problem.

“To suggest that one’s belly, body hair or tattoo is ‘distasteful’ and should therefore be covered in the name of etiquette is the very worst sort of body fascism. If your children are traumatised by the sight of a fat person in a bikini, a bit of cellulite or a caesarean scar, then may I tentatively suggest that you aren’t raising them correctly. If seeing someone hairy wearing something skimpy renders you ‘unable to eat your lunch’ then I’m afraid my diagnosis is the problem is with your brain, not their body.” — Natasha Devon

For another fun and informative read, I suggest reading the following blog for all women

Also, check out this post featuring The Hairy Legs Club (Tumblr) and the group Women Against Non-essential Grooming (Facebook):

Behave, don’t shave!

And now a video from Rain Florence!

Thanks for reading, and sharing!

If you liked reading this, also check out my post: Make Up For Your Shortcomings

Jenny's Story
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