Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Aloe Vera Magic

In this post we will be Exploring the Magical properties of Aloe Vera.



Aloe Vera works many Wonders for your Skin, and can be used in many different ways.

1. As a cooling and nutrient dense moisturizer for dry skin.
2. For a toner that tightens the skin, due to it’s natural astringent properties.
3. As an exfoliator that removes layers of dead and dull skin cells.
4, As a facilitator for the absorption of nutrients through the skin.
5. To relieve pain and heal burns, sunburns, and wounds.
6. To soothe psoriasis lesions, acne, and roseacea.
7. As a useful aid against shingles providing relief from itching, and helping to heal the blisters and sores.
8. For healing cuts, bruises, and scrapes.


Use Aloe Vera For Sunburns!

“If you ever develop a sunburn it is important to realize that aloe vera is one of the best remedies to help repair your skin as it is loaded with powerful glyconutrients that accelerate healing.  Ideally, it is best to use the gel from a fresh plant, but there are commercial products available that have active aloe in them. Ideally you would never need it because you are using these safe tanning guidelines, but accidents do happen and it is important to have contingency plans for them."


How To Use Aloe Vera

To utilize the gel simply and easily- first you need to cut, or tear a ‘stalk’ off an Aloe Vera plant.

Then with your fingers, squeeze out the clear jelly from the leaf. This is better than cutting up the stalk because squeezing it out produces a better consistency.

Apply with your hands and fingers where needed.

You can also freeze the gel into cubes for applying to your skin, as a relaxing beauty treatment, or a natural remedy for what ails you.

Despite my love for Aloe Vera … I don’t recommend ingesting it on a regular basis.

It contains toxic substances that are foreign to the body. Eating or drinking it can even interfere with the body’s natural abilities to heal internally.
“The body is continually striving toward health and will do all it can to protect itself from any poisonous substances. When aloe vera is applied to an ulcer, the body closes off that opening as quickly as it can to block the entrance of that poisonous substance thereby protecting itself. This gives the false impression of proper healing. However, when the ulcer was an outlet for toxic materials, this vital outlet is closed off and toxins are kept inside the body. Now a new outlet must be found. Either other ulcers will form or more serious diseases will result.
If you do not interfere with bodily intelligence, healing will take place. To “intelligently do nothing” is the best advice for all ulcers, psoriasis, etc. That is, simply follow the teachings of Life Science/Natural Hygiene and your body will surely be vital enough to heal itself promptly.”

I got sunburned yesterday from being outside for two hours under the hot sun. Thankfully, I have a handy dandy little Aloe plant in my apartment. When I realized today that you can push the goo out rather then having to cut it out, I knew I had to write a post. I love this stuff!

What a relief for my skin. I really like applying this stuff because you can even itch your face with the little spines on the sides of each stalk.

I find- the more Aloe, the better. ;)

Also, when I got in a car accident on the 2nd of June last year- my back had lots of sticky abrasions, my t-shirt was even sticking to them, and I had to rip it off them occasionally. I was in a lot of pain, and when using Aloe Vera that pain was relieved greatly. It made my wounds heal much quicker, and eased my suffering.

I hope you try using Aloe Vera in the near future. Buy or grow your own as a first aid staple for emergencies. When it comes to buying beauty products, using Aloe Vera is a steal.

You’ll love it, I promise!

If you enjoyed this blog post about Aloe Vera, check out my post about Natural Beauty by Clicking Here!

Aloe Vera, for True Beauty.

Thanks for reading, and sharing!

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