Thursday, April 17, 2014



Corn, a dense calorie source, is something the body craves when not getting sufficient calories from fruits and vegetables, (corn is a grain).

Tarah was eating 5-6 cups of frozen and dried corn daily.

Tarah felt lethargic and heavy, gaining 15 pounds while eating this way.

She had water pimples around her jawline, rough bubbles under her skin, and face bloating. She says this is from toxic water build-up -- or retention.

Starchy grains like corn digest much better when cooked.

She was eating less than 3,000 calories (her usual fare) when she was eating corn because it made her feel so full and bloated, slowing down her digestion. Yet, she gained weight.

Her digestion was slowed while eating corn, having bowl movements only once a day, or not at all!

2 weeks after Tarah cut corn out of her diet, she was still finding corn in her excrement.

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40BelowFruity's LFRV Dinner Salad Recipe

Ingredient List:

~ Dressing ~
1 med. zucchini (diced)
½ cara cara orange (juiced or diced)
½ avocado (diced)
¾ cup frozen mango (do not thaw and re-freeze)
spicy pepper to your tastes (be careful!)
¼ cup water

~ Salad Mix ~
1 cup cherry tomatoes (diced)
4 green onions (chopped)
½ head of cauliflower (chopped/blended/processed)
1 head iceberg lettuce (very nutritious) (chopped)
½ cup dried cranberries (tossed on top)

Blend dressing and top on your salad.


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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

FullyRaw Cereal Recipe

Raw vegan cereal! Fruit fun deliciousness to start your day feeling GRRREAT! 2 different kinds of mylk to choose from, and crunchy, sweet, charms to share with your family and friends!

In this video, Kristina Carillo-Bucaram of FullyRaw shows two ways to make mylk for her raw cereal recipe. I recommend the banana mylk over the almond mylk, however, because almonds are higher in fat and harder for the body to digest.

Here are the ingredients you will need... 


water or coconut water

1-2 bananas


1-2 cups of dried mulberries

sliced bananas


½ cup or less of raisins

a few sliced strawberries


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Why vaccines spread disease; an in-depth analysis of flawed vaccination science

(NaturalNews) Infectious diseases that the system insists have been mostly eradicated due to the advent of vaccines are starting to reemerge, with much of the blame for this being levied on the unvaccinated, who are automatically assumed to be the culprits. But a deeper look into the history of vaccines, how they work and what level of long-term protection they truly provide reveals that these golden calves of modern medicine are actually the vehicles through which infectious disease is being spread, with vaccinated individuals as the primary disease carriers.

It is the opposite of what we have all been told for decades about the nature of vaccines -- that they produce immunity to diseases that might otherwise kill you, is one common claim, as is the assumption that refusing vaccines leaves one prone to both catching and spreading otherwise uncommon infectious diseases. These and other modern medical myths about vaccines pervade mainstream thinking, and yet they have absolutely no basis in sound science.

In an extensive rebuttal to a 2012 article written by Forbes' Steven Salzberg that blamed a whooping cough outbreak in the Northwest on unvaccinated children, Dr. Paul G. King, Ph.D., of FAME Systems deconstructs the popular misconception that infectious disease reemergence is the result of people not getting vaccinated. On the contrary, it is the vaccination schedule itself, which the federal government has been coercing people into complying with for nearly the entire last century, that is ultimately leading to and driving these outbreaks.

"Salsberg is simply using a longstanding 'straw man' created long ago by his fellow vaccine apologists to divert the public's attention from the reality that... the current pertussis vaccines are neither effective in providing those inoculated with them long-term protection from contracting whooping cough nor... cost effective," explains Dr. King in his paper.

Vaccines as destroyers of natural immunity

One thing that few people, including many health professionals, fail to understand is that vaccines override the body's innate, or mucosal, immune system. Also known as non-specific immunity, innate immunity is our bodies' primary line of defense against all types of bacteria, toxins and other harmful invaders -- the gatekeeper, if you will, that protects the body's adaptive immune system from having to face these intruders directly.

Under ideal conditions, the innate immune system kicks into high gear at the first sign of a threat, blocking pathogens from getting past the nose, mouth, digestive tract or other bodily entry point. If for some reason the innate immune system fails at this task, the adaptive immune system picks up where it left off, adapting, as its name implies, to tackle the specific threat.

But this natural immune response is thwarted by vaccines, which intentionally bypass the innate immune system and go straight for the adaptive immune system. The resultant immune response is both unnatural and completely out of order, generating only temporary and often incomplete immunity as opposed to the lifelong immunity garnered from natural exposure.

"Whereas natural recovery from many infectious diseases usually stimulates lifetime immunity, vaccines only provide temporary protection and most vaccines require 'booster' doses to extend vaccine-induced artificial immunity," says Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center.

The same is true for vaccines against pertussis, or whooping cough, which Dr. King, through his extensive research, found only provide a few years of limited protection as opposed to a lifetime of full protection in unvaccinated individuals who contract the disease naturally. The former have to continually get booster shots to maintain their immunity, while the latter are essentially immune for life after contracting the disease once.

"[A]t best, the current views are that the 'protection' provided by 'pertussis' vaccination lasts no more than 3 years in some percentage of those who are 'fully' vaccinated and initially protected," wrote Dr. King. "In the pre-vaccination era, having a case of whooping cough and recovering from it conservatively provided 10 to 50 years of protection from a re-infection that resulted in a clinical case of whooping cough caused by either B. pertussis or B. parapertussis."

In other words, unvaccinated individuals who contract mild whooping cough at a young age end up developing lifelong immunity to the disease without the need for a vaccine, and they also never become carriers of the disease. Vaccinated individuals, on the other hand, will never develop lifelong immunity, and will continually have to receive "booster" shots as protection, which the data shows is not always reliable or foolproof and can even lead to vaccine-induced health problems.

"Unlike the natural disease which appears to confer lifelong immunity, present day pertussis vaccines confer only partial and relative transient protection," wrote Drs. James W. Bass and Stephen R. Stephenson in a 1987 study entitled The return of pertussis. "A high degree of protection persists for 3 years, decreasing thereafter for 12 years after which little or no protection is evident."

Vaccines as carriers of disease

If subpar, temporary immunity was the only downside of getting vaccinated, it would be one thing. But the fact of the matter is that vaccinated individuals often end up becoming carriers of the diseases against which they were vaccinated, which is evident from decades of scientific data showing that the current vaccination schedule is directly responsible for bringing back all of these diseases that the media insists were eradicated by vaccines.

"[T]he current DTaP/Tdap vaccination program in the USA is increasing the percentages of cases of whooping cough that are either caused by B. parapertussis or, as some are beginning to claim, caused by mutated strains of B. pertussis that evade the protective effects of multiple time-displaced inoculations with the current DTaP/Tdap vaccines," explains Dr. King. "[V]accination with a 'pertussis component'-containing vaccine produces some low level of 'B. pertussis' carriers ['Pertussis Harrys'] who... can and do spread B. pertussis to others."

The recent whooping cough outbreaks in California, Washington, New York and elsewhere also serve as proof of this, as the vast majority of infected individuals in each of these cases had already been "fully" vaccinated for the disease. Not surprisingly, health authorities have been quiet about this inconvenient truth, leading the public to erroneously assume that the unvaccinated are responsible.

"[T]he reality is that more than 75% of the cases of whooping cough in outbreaks in Washington State since 2002 reportedly have been occurring in 'fully' vaccinated individuals, and this reality continues to be true in the 2012 'epidemic,'" adds Dr. King. "Further, the percentage in the current outbreaks that have a confirmed case of B. pertussis has not been disclosed -- nor is the percentage reported that have a confirmed case of B. parapertussis or another organism that can cause whooping cough."

For those already infected, Dr. King suggests supplementing with high doses of vitamin C, which he says eliminates the "whoop" and reduces the duration of the disease, as well as taking high doses of natural vitamin D3, which enables the body's immune system to produce site-specific antibiotics to target whooping cough organisms in the respiratory system while protecting gastrointestinal flora, which would otherwise be destroyed by synthetic antibiotics.

Be sure to check out Dr. King's full study on vaccines here:

If you liked this, you might also want to check out my post titled, "The Deadly Vaccination Truth Revealed", for more information.

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Dying to live: Global cooling scheme increases dangerous seafood toxin that destroys kidney function

(NaturalNews) There is a wave of wicked, control-hungry ideology-gripping prominent scientists around the world. Some scientists may cling to "climate change" and "global warming" propaganda as means to justify control and manipulation of life on Earth. Working together, scientists, governments and large companies can buy out and control tremendous amounts of resources which are used for exploitation and experimentation of life on Earth.

As these deceivers feed the public global warming propaganda to justify their massive experiments on nature, they prove that they are nothing more than psychopaths. These psychopaths often support a global carbon tax that would force everyone to submit to their plans. One of their global cooling programs is iron seeding of ocean waters. This is now being exposed as a heinous experiment on aquatic, mammalian and human life.

Mass iron seeding operations explained

As psychopaths so compassionately try to protect the planet from global warming, they implement mass geoengineering projects. One of those global cooling projects involves adding iron to the world's oceans en masse to encourage the rapid expansion of phytoplankton. This is meant to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and the earth's temperature by forcing populations of phytoplankton to expand and gobble up excess carbon. Some scientists theorize that by adding iron to the Southern Ocean alone, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels can be lowered by 15 percent.

Iron dumping has been around for more than two decades, and now independent researchers are uncovering the dire consequences that come with this attempt to manipulate Earth. Also called iron fertilization, ocean seeding or carbon sinking, this iron dumping is used to stimulate massive new growth of phytoplankton, but as these algal blooms expand, a little know seafood toxin is multiplying as well.

Iron seeding expands algal blooms that produce exponential amounts of seafood toxin domoic acid

Iron seeding to combat global warming is an indirect assault on humans, on both the nervous system and the kidneys.

Researchers from the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of California, as well as Louisianan State University and the University of South Carolina, are linking iron seeding sites to toxic accumulations of a little known seafood toxin called domoic acid. Their report shows how iron seeding is multiplying this toxin, which spreads into fish and ultimately into humans, disturbing the kidneys.

In their investigation, 35 ocean stations were sampled, which were once part of iron fertilization experiments. Domoic acid was measured at over half of the analyzed stations between the Pacific subarctic and the Southern Ocean. Thirty-four of those stations contained high amounts of Pseudo-nitzschia diatoms, which are typically associated with domoic acid.

The report shows that, in the western subarctic ocean, the descent of Pseudo-nitzschia delivered significant amounts of domoic acid to underlying meso-pelagic waters at depths of 150-500 meters.

Furthermore, they reported domoic acid occasionally reaching levels at "which animal mortalities have occurred on continental shelves."

The authors warn against further iron fertilization of the oceans, showing how these operations actually pose "serious ecosystem impacts" stemming from multiplied domoic acid.

Iron seeding operations are unnecessary, since plants naturally respond to carbon dioxide to achieve balance

In a new scientific report titled Climate Change Reconsidered II, independent scientists show how manipulation of carbon dioxide levels in the earth's atmosphere are flat out unnecessary, since vegetation responds naturally to heightened carbon dioxide levels.

In conditions of high carbon dioxide, positive growth responses are reported in plants, some of which are particularly large. As the atmospheric carbon dioxide rises, most plants will actually display enhanced rates of photosynthesis and biomass production.

Besides the fact that forests are being count down around the world, trees are naturally adapting to the earth's conditions, exhibiting significant increases in biomass production.

Other consequences of iron seeding

Additionally, other ill effects occur from iron seeding. According to the the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), phytoplankton blooms and bacteria may release large amounts of other gases not accounted for, which include methyl halides and methane gases, which affect atmospheric conditions.

Paraphrasing the WWF, Jeniffer Horton at writes, "The bacterial decay that results when the plankton die will reduce oxygen levels in the water, possibly leading to the increase of gases like nitrous oxide."

On top of that, impure iron dumped into the ocean may also contain "potentially toxic trace metals," the kind being found in food products tested at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab.

Fish in a bowl

In trying to save humanity from global warming, it seems that more harm is being done, and the common man and woman are becoming guinea pigs as geoengineering experiments are carried out on the masses and the environment.

It's almost as if an elite few feel entitled to play with the public's health, treating the common population as if they are all fish swimming in a bowl of experimental waters. With the expansion of domoic acid now occurring in the ocean's waters thanks to iron seeding, it's now common for seafood to pose a threat to the kidneys of unsuspecting humans everywhere.

Thanks for reading.
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Vaccination Myths Destroyed by Robert Scott Bell on National Radio

By: S.D. Wells

(NaturalNews) In America, if you are not a medical doctor, you are not entitled to have ANY opinion whatsoever about vaccines -- you just get them or shut up. Vaccine efficacy is not open for discussion with the scientific or medical "community" and certainly won't be a discussion on the nightly news during prime time -- to give the masses time and reason to actually think about it critically. Vaccines are an American tradition. We all know that America protects the whole world from infectious disease via vaccination, or do they really? What if you found out it was ALL a big myth perpetuated for money, and there was no REAL science to back it up? What if you found out that most infectious disease is spread by vaccinated people and that most of the people who contract infectious disease were also vaccinated for that very disease?

You may want to pay attention to a different kind of "history in the making," and that is the cold hard fact that no human would ever drink what is found in vaccines, yet they will convince themselves that MSG, mercury, aluminum and GMOs, genetically modified organisms, are worth jabbing into their muscle tissue and their blood, bypassing digestion, thus virtually breaking down the immune system instead of building it up.

Recently, Robert Scott Bell appeared on national radio exposing the vaccine "herding" myth and asking the nation to reconsider how they go about building immunity to infectious diseases that are mostly just a problem for the vaccinated.

If you're wondering who Robert Scott Bell is, wonder no longer! He is only the host of the fastest two hours of healing information on the radio today. Robert Scott Bell tackles the toughest issues and shows no fear when confronting "corporate" bullies that stand in the way of health freedom. Bell delivers to the public "up to the minute health freedom news" in a format that can be archived, so his fans can listen to shows at their own convenience.

Here is Bell speaking on national talk radio -- The Jerry Doyle Show:
"I've had medical doctors in my family, some alive some dead, that have changed their minds. I've interviewed pediatricians on my show that have come to the similar conclusion that I have -- that there are other ways to strengthen the immune system without injecting certain substances. If you read the ingredient label you wouldn't DRINK -- you wouldn't give that to your child to drink. So, there are legitimate concerns."

He goes on to say later in the interview: "There's no scientifically validated 'peer-review' literature that can point out that herd immunity is actually real.

Click here to listen to the entire broadcast between Bell and Doyle! (

Medical Collectivism and Herding Immunity

First of all, immunity starts and ends in your gut. If you destroy your good gut flora, you destroy immunity -- period. Vaccines contain certain toxic ingredients that, if you read the ingredients list, you would make an informed decision instead of a "sheeple" decision (sheeple are people who act like sheep) -- and you wouldn't want to run with the endangered herd. That's what they are too -- endangered. Plus, genetically modified food destroys good gut bacteria because that's what pesticides, insecticides and herbicides do -- they are poisons that destroy trillions of microorganisms in just minutes. THIS is scientific fact. (

So, there ARE legitimate concerns with vaccines. Let's look closer at the endangered herd of the modern day vaccine "bandwagon."

Robert Scott Bell says, "It's all in your gut." Intestinal mucosa and gut flora protect us from disease. We must reduce the burden we put on good bacteria -- not increase it! This needs to be mainstream news, immediately. Natural News enthusiasts tune in and do not miss this information. Robert Scott Bell cuts to the chase. It's time to listen in to the truth about vaccine research (or lack thereof) and make informed decisions from there! (

"When you have an observation as a parent to view a child that is perfectly developing -- normal talking ability, walking ability, revert shortly after vaccination -- it doesn't matter what science you say you have -- you can't convince a parent who has seen something that they didn't see it. And of course, since the 'gold standard' double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are never conducted, in terms of determining safety or efficacy of vaccines, all you can do is get "shouted down" with terms like science, but not with the peer-reviewed literature to support it."

You don't have to be a medical doctor to witness firsthand what the toxins in vaccines can do to a perfectly healthy child. You can't just say "science says..." and explain away these tragedies, time and time again. We need scientific validation of vaccine efficacy and safety, and we must demand it right now.


If you liked this post, you might also want to check out my post titled, "Vaccine-induced immune overload now effects majority of US children, study finds".

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Genevieve's Raw Chips and Salsa Recipe!



Salsa Ingredients:

1 ear of Organic (Non-GMO) Corn or frozen Sweet Corn, to taste
Tomatoes (any variety)
1/2 Lime, squeezed
(Lemon [opt.], to taste)
chopped Garlic, to taste
1/8 large Red Onion, chopped
1 Red Bell Pepper, chopped



  Organic Chips:

Use any of the following; Yellow squash, Zucchini, and/or Cucumber 

To Create:

Mix all ingredients together and put into a ‘dip’ bowl (preferably on a chip and dip tray). Slice, Mandoline-slice (with a crinkle-cut/wavy blade), or use a handheld slicer to make wavy ‘chips‘ out of your chosen veggie. Surround the salsa with a ‘moat’ of chips!


Although I haven’t used a handheld wavy-cut slicer before, I can guess that using a full-on mandoline is much easier and quicker- it also produces uniform slices varying in thickness. I bought my mandoline online, and recommend the SteeL Mandoline from OXO. It works very well as long as what you’re slicing into isn’t mushy or super-ripe. I also bought some cut-resistant gloves which are essential when handling a mandoline.

I have to admit, this is probably one of the top ten tastiest recipes I have ever made thanks to it’s simplicity. Without the cilantro, my salsa turned out *scrumptiously* sweet! I realized this after adding some cilantro to my salsa this evening, after haven forgotten it yesterday. I also found it’s crucial to not let the tomatoes overwhelm the corn. Don’t put too many tomatoes in! When I say ‘to taste’ I mean slowly add more and more of a said ingredient ’til it suits your personal tastes.


Note: I used heirloom tomatoes in this recipe, and found that sliced zucchinis were the most deletable 'chip' vegetable, although I haven't tried yellow squash. Make sure you buy Organic to avoid GMO zucchini and yellow squash at the market.

Take Care, and ENJOY this Raw CHIPS AND SALSA Recipe!!

 ~ P.S. ~

Now when I make Salsa I omit Garlic, and only use mild red Onion. I use jalapeno however, and mango, now. My friend even added grapes one time and it just made the salsa more colorful and tasty!

Here is my recipe, now:

2 pints of mini tomatoes or 4 regular tomatoes
jalapeno, to taste
3 yellow (atulfo) mangoes, or frozen mango, to taste
1/8 of a large red onion
1-2 limes juiced
1-2 lemons juiced
1 bell pepper (not green, unripe)

Enjoy this with raw vegetable 'chips', or lettuce leaves!

& Have a Rawesome Day or Evening!!

Also Check Out: Rawvana's Watermelon Salsa Recipe

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