Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Do You Project Fear and Judgement onto Other Women?

As I was sitting here in my comfy chair at the library, and as an acquaintance of mine in town sat down opposite to where I was sitting, I began to feel self-conscious because I don’t shave my legs. I usually don’t wear bottoms that show my legs off- but today I am wearing some, Capri’s. This is new for me.

So, instead of covering up my legs as usual (or shaving them), the difference here is that I’m revealing my true self and showing my hairy legs to the world.

Did you know that body hair is actually sign of sexual maturity? It baffles me why it’s so popular for women then, to shave it all off.

Is this what Women, (We-Men), really want for ourselves?

Even though in my heart and soul, I know, women shouldn’t have to shave their legs, and it shouldn’t be taboo to have hairy legs, in my mind I’m still holding onto fears.

Honestly, I am not completely comfortable with myself in my body, at least not when I am Think, THINK, THIN-KING, about it. I even JUDGE MYSELF for having hair on my legs, how Ridiculous is That, seeing that nearly EVERYONE has hair on their LEGS! It’s a Natural Part of being a Human Being!

But really, who are we to judge other women and ourselves for not shaving off the hair that grows naturally on our bodies? Where is the love in our hearts for our human physical bodies that we were born within and as for this life, or for other women? Where is the respect for nature and it’s design? Where is the gratitude?

Why is there Judgement?

I have a hunch that those plastic hand-held razor blade commercials have something to do with this… Catastrophe. For starters, the commercials are always ‘Beautiful‘ and live up to women’s ideals of a Peaceful, Fun and PERFECT life.

Wouldn’t life just be peachy without all that peach fuzz?

Well, obviously that’s what the women’s and men’s razor companies want you to think, so you’d buy what they’re selling you, out of fear.

Just look at some of these ads.

15 Creepiest Vintage Ads of All Time

The truth is though, that ‘Beauty‘ is defined by ‘Ugliness’ in the mind. When we strive to be beautiful we have actually judged something as being ugly, instead of seeing life for what it is, equal and one to us as the physical.

Before I stopped shaving, I remember judging other women for not shaving their hair impeccably, or at all.

If I saw women with bushy armpits or stubble on their legs, I would react in fear, judging them because my programming lead me to think that women’s body hair was disgusting and un-clean. Somehow this was different for men?…

I thought only shaved armpits were acceptable even though, frankly, shaved armpits are kind of freaky and unattractive to witness. So, I’ll admit, I was brainwashed, and quite a bitch to my fellow ladies. For that, I am sorry.

Personally though, I have not had any problems with my leg hair that has negatively affected my life. Nor have I had any real positive change by shaving my legs. The only thing that changes is me spending a quarter of my day in my tiny bathtub, waging war with my leg hairs. What was I thinking? “I’m never doing this again”!.

It just seems so wrong to say, "shave off what good nature gave you"- Buy into the idea that your body hair is no good and you should get rid of it, to instead trade your freedom and money for guaranteed acceptance into our brainwashed consumer-conformist society -- abusing your body and wasting your precious time.

Another example of this is when people mow their lawn. Why do we cut the grass? It's beautiful if left alone- and when we do mow it we harm the plants, flowers and creatures that inhabit it. If people wanted to have their grass clipped so bad they could just as well invest in some pet goats. Much better than gasoline pollution and dangerous blades if you ask me.

Making women insecure about themselves has become a very powerful tool for selling useless junk. Stuff that you don’t even really want. I mean come on, who wants to cut up their armpits to end up dealing with stubble in a day or two?

Razors For Men and Women

The truth folks, is that we we as women and men are accepting this fate of non-self-acceptance, as all, as one, as equal, within becoming slaves to the media and corporations- by allowing insecurity, fear, and judgement within ourselves.

But, is it too late to change this fate? No, I don’t think so.

Although it takes time to de- and re- program oneself, that’s just the natural process of change. It will take patience, commitment, and consistency- to finally be free of the False opinions of others — and more importantly ones own past ingrained Desires, Feelings and Emotions. Isn’t it worth it, though, and within the context of Self-Honesty, inevitable to do away with this insanity? It’s hard to fight being lured in again and again to shave after judging oneself over and over, creating negative emotions that these positive feelings of hope would smother- but none of that is real, and the truth is the truth. Sometimes you gotta stick to your guns. You have it better then you think, even if alone (all-one). Accept yourself woman! The right things come to the right people.

Now, you might say that it would be impossible to change your lifestyle because you rely on other women and men for ‘love‘, approval, fun, relationships and feeling good — but isn’t that being a slave so others will like you- while you escape the non-self-accepting truth of yourself? All women deserve more then that! Especially, YOU!

Truthfully- by standing up for yourself and your body and by not judging yourself anymore in any way, you are giving others the opportunity to do the same.

Your soul will shine, and no one can deny that.

But… what about your job, you say? I say, What kind of job requires only women to shave their legs? Do you need to shave your legs as a lifeguard to save people from drowning in the pool? No.

It’s possible you may be ‘crucified’ in the process of being yourself, but really- I’m exaggerating. Although this does take courage, YOU ARE Courage. Who cares what people think. Say it- “I am courage!”, “I am strength!”, “I have the power and freedom to be myself in the face of evil”, “I am proud of myself”, “I refrain from judging myself for having emotions — but do not accept and allow myself to believe in my emotions”, “I do not care what other people THINK”, “I love myself”, “I do not have to shave my legs to be accepted, sexy, popular, and so forth, I love and express myself fully”, “I have enough”, “I am enough”, “I cherish myself, here”.

The truth is, nothing changes when you shave your legs- people may leave you in your life, but they are not worthwhile. They are not supporting who you are as one and equal to them. In fact, they are ‘using’ you, and you don’t need them truthfully. Be yourself. Be-You-To-Full. You don’t need anyone’s approval.

Judgement is ugly. Stop the abuse! Love yourself and all that is here with and as you, one and equal. Life is beautiful!

What’s ugly is that most companies that produce razor blade and hair removal products test on animals. Gillette (from Proctor and Gamble), Bic, Nair, Veet and Walgreen’s do. Click the link below for a list of all the brands that unnecessarily and cruelly test on animals. Boycott much?

Gilette testing on dogs in Taiwan.
Note: Although there are some razor blade companies that don’t use animals to ‘test on‘ for their products, I am against using razors wholeheartedly. This is because they are unnecessary, and pollute the environment as disposable PLASTIC trash. So, I refrain from using even vegan, fair-trade (if they exist), ‘green’ razors- it just isn’t sensible to buy more crap and promulgate this problem.

“To suggest that one’s belly, body hair or tattoo is ‘distasteful’ and should therefore be covered in the name of etiquette is the very worst sort of body fascism. If your children are traumatised by the sight of a fat person in a bikini, a bit of cellulite or a caesarean scar, then may I tentatively suggest that you aren’t raising them correctly. If seeing someone hairy wearing something skimpy renders you ‘unable to eat your lunch’ then I’m afraid my diagnosis is the problem is with your brain, not their body.” — Natasha Devon

For another fun and informative read, I suggest reading the following blog for all women

Also, check out this post featuring The Hairy Legs Club (Tumblr) and the group Women Against Non-essential Grooming (Facebook):

Behave, don’t shave!

And now a video from Rain Florence!

Thanks for reading, and sharing!

If you liked reading this, also check out my post: Make Up For Your Shortcomings

Jenny's Story
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sunny D - Get Some ☼

You know that song by Sheryl Crow... and don't you know?

Lack Of Vitamin D From The Sun Can Cause Breast Cancer:

Read More:

Low Vitamin D Levels Increase Risk Of Preeclampsia During Pregnancy:

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Learn How To 'Top Up' Your Vitamin D Levels By Visiting The Links Below

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

2013's Sexiest Woman Alive - Scarlett Johansson. What's Her Secret?

Scarlett Johansson named 2013′s Sexiest Woman Alive: Her Diet & Workout Secrets

 Scarlett Johansson has been named the “Sexiest Woman Alive” for 2013, making her the only two-time winner of the iconic Esquire magazine title.

“Seven years later, she is the obvious choice once again,” Esquire said Oct. 7 when announcing the news. “This time, [she is] even sexier.”

Johansson claimed her first “Sexiest Woman Alive” crown in 2006, and succeeds last year’s winner, Ukrainian beauty, Mila Kunis.

The busty 5-foot-3 Scarlett did extensive martial-arts training and went on a raw-vegan diet for “The Avengers,” but admits she still has fat days.

“Every woman has body worries. I’m not exempt from that,” said the Tony Award winner. “But part of the by-product of spending that much time in the gym is that you can fit into a catsuit.”

Johansson, who is not a workout fanatic by nature, reportedly once followed the meat-heavy Paleo diet but switched to a Raw-Vegan diet to lose weight for her role as the “Black Widow.”
“Right before we started ['The Avengers'] I was lifting all these weights and eating raw vegan,” said Scarlett. “But the only reason I was doing that was to fix my previous diet because that was a Paleo diet, so I’ve had the extreme of everything. After lots of training and raw vegan food you can fit into a catsuit.”
(Also check out my post: Why Raw Veganism is Not Extreme)

When she’s not training for a role, Johansson tries to work out half an hour a day and eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables and lean proteins.

“No matter how busy my life may be, I feel better when I take a little time to focus on staying active,” she said. “We can all pledge to have healthy bodies no matter how diverse our lifestyles may be.”


Scarlett Johansson’s Beauty Secret for Clear Skin

As the face of Dolce & Gabbana, Scarlett Johansson must pay big bucks to keep her mug flawless. Or that’s what we assumed. As it turns out, the “Don Jon” actress’ beauty secret costs just under five dollars.

Johansson opened up about her skincare obsession in the February issue of Elle UK and confessed that she washes her face with — wait for it — apple cider vinegar. The common household product is what she uses to keep her porcelain complexion in check and camera-ready.

“A while back, I started researching natural skincare,” she told Elle UK. “It’s a nice way to treat your skin if you don’t want to use all those harsh chemicals that a dermatologist would recommend.”

Turns out the acidity of apple cider vinegar balances your skin’s natural pH levels and restores your luminous glow much like toner.

Johansson adds, “If your skin is problematic or you’re having a lot of breakouts, it’s really healing. It’s a little bit stinky but if you’re not sleeping over at your boyfriend’s, it’s really effective!”

Maybe Scar-Jo should reconsider a career in dermatology, as she’s serving some spot-on advice. Apple cider vinegar actually has endless beauty benefits: You can use it as a DIY hair rinse to remove dirt and add shine, or use it to treat warts and nail fungus, soothe sunburns, and soften calloused skin.

Have you used apple cider vinegar on your skin? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section.


What I Have To Say About Scarlett Johansson:

So, personally, I like Scarlett Johansson. Although she is a pawn in the Global Elite’s system, I won’t judge. I mean c’mon, if she’s hip enough to try the Raw Vegan Diet for weight loss, she knows where it’s at. She’s purporting the Natural Health Movement!

I’m glad she has experienced the benefits of going all natural in her skin care routine as well. Too many people are being led down the wrong path to ends like Dermatology, dangerous drugs and products.

I myself use Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with ‘the Mother’ (only externally) for conditioning my hair- making it super soft, shiny, and silky smooth.

I haven’t used apple cider vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle for my acne since my mom started noticing it makes my face red when I use it. I always tell her that redness just means blood circulation and healing, but I gave up the practice anyway because it didn’t do the ‘magic trick’, not like the body can do by just eating raw food. ACV smells pretty gross, too. I still use it for my hair, though.

Anyways, if you would like to read my other posts about What To Eat For The Clearest Skin and How I Keep My Hair Looking Gorgeous, just click the highlights. Thank you!

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Aloe Vera Magic

In this post we will be Exploring the Magical properties of Aloe Vera.



Aloe Vera works many Wonders for your Skin, and can be used in many different ways.

1. As a cooling and nutrient dense moisturizer for dry skin.
2. For a toner that tightens the skin, due to it’s natural astringent properties.
3. As an exfoliator that removes layers of dead and dull skin cells.
4, As a facilitator for the absorption of nutrients through the skin.
5. To relieve pain and heal burns, sunburns, and wounds.
6. To soothe psoriasis lesions, acne, and roseacea.
7. As a useful aid against shingles providing relief from itching, and helping to heal the blisters and sores.
8. For healing cuts, bruises, and scrapes.


Use Aloe Vera For Sunburns!

“If you ever develop a sunburn it is important to realize that aloe vera is one of the best remedies to help repair your skin as it is loaded with powerful glyconutrients that accelerate healing.  Ideally, it is best to use the gel from a fresh plant, but there are commercial products available that have active aloe in them. Ideally you would never need it because you are using these safe tanning guidelines, but accidents do happen and it is important to have contingency plans for them."


How To Use Aloe Vera

To utilize the gel simply and easily- first you need to cut, or tear a ‘stalk’ off an Aloe Vera plant.

Then with your fingers, squeeze out the clear jelly from the leaf. This is better than cutting up the stalk because squeezing it out produces a better consistency.

Apply with your hands and fingers where needed.

You can also freeze the gel into cubes for applying to your skin, as a relaxing beauty treatment, or a natural remedy for what ails you.

Despite my love for Aloe Vera … I don’t recommend ingesting it on a regular basis.

It contains toxic substances that are foreign to the body. Eating or drinking it can even interfere with the body’s natural abilities to heal internally.
“The body is continually striving toward health and will do all it can to protect itself from any poisonous substances. When aloe vera is applied to an ulcer, the body closes off that opening as quickly as it can to block the entrance of that poisonous substance thereby protecting itself. This gives the false impression of proper healing. However, when the ulcer was an outlet for toxic materials, this vital outlet is closed off and toxins are kept inside the body. Now a new outlet must be found. Either other ulcers will form or more serious diseases will result.
If you do not interfere with bodily intelligence, healing will take place. To “intelligently do nothing” is the best advice for all ulcers, psoriasis, etc. That is, simply follow the teachings of Life Science/Natural Hygiene and your body will surely be vital enough to heal itself promptly.”

I got sunburned yesterday from being outside for two hours under the hot sun. Thankfully, I have a handy dandy little Aloe plant in my apartment. When I realized today that you can push the goo out rather then having to cut it out, I knew I had to write a post. I love this stuff!

What a relief for my skin. I really like applying this stuff because you can even itch your face with the little spines on the sides of each stalk.

I find- the more Aloe, the better. ;)

Also, when I got in a car accident on the 2nd of June last year- my back had lots of sticky abrasions, my t-shirt was even sticking to them, and I had to rip it off them occasionally. I was in a lot of pain, and when using Aloe Vera that pain was relieved greatly. It made my wounds heal much quicker, and eased my suffering.

I hope you try using Aloe Vera in the near future. Buy or grow your own as a first aid staple for emergencies. When it comes to buying beauty products, using Aloe Vera is a steal.

You’ll love it, I promise!

If you enjoyed this blog post about Aloe Vera, check out my post about Natural Beauty by Clicking Here!

Aloe Vera, for True Beauty.

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How To Clear Your Skin For Good.

Are You Serious About Clearing Your Acne?


If you are completely and totally fed up with having acne, trust me, I know how you feel. 

It can be very traumatic and uncomfortable for someone to develop acne, especially in one’s teen years — and going into adulthood with acne, within a culture stewed in ‘beauty‘ and perfectionism --

 It can be very hard to cope day to day! 

But the most frustrating thing by far is not knowing why your skin is erupting in acne or how to clear your skin- for good

If this is true for you, this is the blog post you’ve been waiting for.

I don’t think anyone should have acne.

Luckily, the answer to clearing your acne is quite simple, and has worked for me, which says a lot since I went on an elimination diet starting in 2010 with chronic acne, and only just realized what works best for me now in 2013!
After going on numerous varied diets and lifestyles to become healthier and clear my acne, I find what works best for me is, of course, what works best for my body, which I know for certain now after reading the book titled, The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Doug Graham.

Take a peek by visiting this link ==>

As human beings that evolved from primates, we do best on a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables and tender leafy greens. This is the diet for optimal health and perfect harmony within our bodies, and without, as human beings.

Click Here for Full Size.
"Frugivores are physiologically equipped to obtain energy primarily from the natural sugar in fruits. Humans are bestowed with a kind of “natural sweet tooth” to guide us in the selection of foods that meet our biological disposition and our caloric needs: namely, sweet juicy fruits. Our anatomy is such that we are capable of picking fruits, masticate, digest, and appropriate them with ease and efficiency. Fruits contain all the nutrients we need: vitamins, minerals, proteins (in the form of amino acids), fats, and carbohydrates."


Why Cooked Food Spells Acne.

The truth is, when you cook your food, you are changing the chemical composition of the food- mutating it, and thus creating toxic compounds (compounds which are toxic to our bodies).

In response to these foreign compounds, your body protects itself by expelling them as quickly as possible. For some people this happens through the skin, in the form of acne. You see- your skin is an elimination organ as well as a protective one. Whenever you eat something that is unwanted by your physiology, your skin can become an exitway.

Acne is Consequential Karma.

Be glad you have acne though, some people don’t have this warning sign that what they are consuming could be compromising their health, and that they should look for better options. It’s a blessing in disguise! A real honour!

Nature has chosen me to completely change my life for the better!

I won’t even go into why you should avoid GMOs, all processed foods, animal (by-)products, and artificial/laboratory made ‘ingredients’, because the answer is simple.

You're not made to eat them.

In some cases I would say you’re even- poisoning yourself!

Why would we need to cook food or eat cooked food anyways, if god (mother earth and father sun) have given us more mouth-watering raw fruits than we could possibly eat in our lifetime – along with a enormous selection of scrumptious vegetables and tender leafy greens?
FullyRaw Website

We can’t make fire by ourselves, it's not natural to us. Fire is a relatively new discovery, and our physiology hasn't evolved eating foods that were cooked with fire or heat- that's why cooked foods are toxic to our systems. In fact, no animal on earth uses fire- (or a heat source, in modern times), to cook it’s food- except for us.

Fire was hardly discovered. It was and is merely a fact of life- to burn down overgrown forests for new life to sprout. It wasn’t until we had to move due to climate changes, and saw this happen with dry forests and wild fires that we learned how to make and use fire to cook otherwise unpalatable food stuffs like; meat, starchy tubers, vegetables, fruits, and grains.
 Click Here to view full image

After our explorations to lands without an abundance of delicious fruits year round, cooking became necessary for survival.

The only foods we do cook are foods deemed inedible eaten raw (we’re not meant to eat them)- but why would we eat those foods, anyways? It would have been a waste of time where we came from, considering all the raw and naturally delicious varieties of raw food we used to have living in the tropics.

Fast Food to Go!

Click Here for full size image.

FullyRaw's Facebook Page

Now, although you may love your cooked foods- can you imagine scavenging/hunting for them yourself, and preparing them? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather forage and pick fruit, vegetables and leafy greens.

If you ask me, it seems like nature wanted it that way.

The body doesn’t just evolve from eating fruit for millions of years in nature to eating at McDonald’s in one lifetime. I doubt you even know what’s in those burgers, not to mention how they’re made! Animal cruelty much?

"The essence of Walker’s research is that even though humans have adopted omnivorous and carnivorous eating practices, our anatomy and physiology have not changed. We remain biologically a species of fruit eaters. The human digestive system has been adapted to a diet of fruits and vegetables for more than 60 million years of development. A few thousand years of aberrant eating will not change our dietary requirements for optimum health. The position that humans occupy in the animal kingdom is that of the Primate order, which means that, from the point of view of anthropology, our closest animal relatives are the anthropoid apes (anthropoid means “resembling man” or ”man-like”). This species includes gorillas, monkeys and chimps all of whom are classified as frugivores. From the perspective of physiology, our human biology and digestion most closely resemble our closest cousin in the animal kingdom, the orangutan. Even our DNA genetic material is well over 95% identical. Humans developed on fruits just as simians and other primates in nature. In consequence, some anthropologists and biologists have classified humans as frugivores." 
- Georges Cuvier

 FullyRaw's Twitter
FullyRaw's Twitter

So, now you know the key to perfect skin health which, naturally, aligns with nature’s design. We eat the fruit fresh off the tree, we live instead of cook, and we take a dump so that future generations will have plenty of fruit trees. (lol) Naturally, if you had a plethora of fruits, vegetables and leafy greens to choose from- you wouldn’t want to pick grains, dig up roots, crack squashes, or kill animals to cook their remains, anyhow. Right?

You may have cravings for these foods now that you’re addicted to the toxic chemical compounds that cooking creates, (cravings happen when your body releases [detoxes] these compounds - when your body releases something it then craves for more, because it doesn’t have much of a bias against unhealthy food- it just wants more food!!!) but still, you can get through these cravings easily if you eat enough fruit, which makes eating enough fruit essential to being successful on this diet!

FullyRaw Kristina on Youtube

The Acne Free, Clear and Beautiful Skin Diet

The Acne Free, Clear and Beautiful Skin Diet consists of only raw fruits, raw vegetables, and raw greens. I recommend forathletes and active people a minimal amount of fatty fruits like avocado. With glucose as our optimal/primary fuel source, it's imperative to keep blood-fat low so insulin can escort glucose into the cells. Our bodies prefer low-fat foods which is why when you eat too much fat, even if unsaturated, it doesn't accept it as fuel. Also, one may avoid onions and garlic to eliminate body odor.

Also check out: Ingredients To Avoid

10g of fat per day is the maximum for athleticism, which equals half of an avocado, plus any other poly-unsaturated fats from your leafy greens, vegetables and non-fatty fruits. It's okay to eat more than a half an avocado, but for athletes it's important to keep fat intake low for optimum glucose-absorption (energy).

It’s also important to limit salt on your raw food diet. Salt and other seasonings have a way of escaping (detoxing) through the pores as acne. Eating salt, you also retain quite a bit of water because the body uses water to protect itself from salt burning your cells internally! For more more information about what affect salt really has on the body.

 Read my blog post, What About Salt? for more.

With this out of the way, you’ve stopped adding fuel to the fire of your acne inflamed face for sure.

With that pesky acne going, going, and gone!- you’re skin will look even better eating abundant sweet, vibrant and juicy fruits. Get the glow! Eat potassium-rich fruits for beauty.

FullyRaw Kristina on Instagram

I don’t recommend eating any nuts, as seeds, because when a tree drops seeds it’s best to leave those seeds alone- for new fruit trees to bear the much healthier option, fruit, in the future! Only in this way can the tree can repopulate itself successfully which is it’s goal, and also a good reason to give you acne when you eat it’s ultra-fatty, ‘nuts’ — seeds.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not an optimal nor necessary in any way to eat seeds. You can obtain all the nutrients you need from by just eating enough fruits, vegetables and leafy greens. It’s simply unnatural to eat processed and in some cases cooked, even moldy- seeds or ‘nuts’. They don’t digest nearly as well as their matured plant versions do.

This Living Raw Foods lifestyle also includes; not wearing any makeup (except for any you make with your food, red dragonfruit is a great blush and lip color), and getting enough sunshine (Vitamin D), sport (exercise), and sleep (rest), into your day (and night)!

Or- “Sleep, Water, Sugar, Sun, Sport”, as Harley (Durianrider) puts it.

Drinking purified water is also a major component of keeping up your vibrant complexion. Without the proper amount of water your body needs- your skin suffers because the water you did drink went to other vital organs that needed it more. Water also flushes out toxins that cause acne break-outs. Water rich foods also contribute to your body's water reserves.

 FullyRaw Kristina on Pintrest
FullyRaw on Pintrest

I recommend the ProPur (drinking) and Crystal Quest (shower) water filtration systems. Purchase both at by clicking the pictures below.

So, that about covers it. Follow these steps and you will be on your way to an acne free existence!

For more details about how to go raw if you’re a 'newbie', please visit my Blogger and Wix websites, you won’t regret it!

Basic Suggestions For Newbies:

The Fruit Life:

If you don’t have any money and want to read The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham, just drop me a line. My e-mail is

If you liked this post about How To Clear Your Acne For Good, be sure to check out my blog post…


Aloe Vera Magic

Remember, your body will heal itself- if you let it.


Thanks for reading, and sharing!

If you liked reading this, also check out my post: Make Up For Your Shortcomings

Jenny's Story
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