Monday, November 18, 2013

Hell On Heels

High Heels suck, am I right? So why do we wear them? Here is a post about why you should chuck yours.

Devil's High Heels

Women do love their high heels, but if you wear them all the time, significant foot pain and other problems can ensue, either as a direct result of the heels or exacerbated by them,” says Morris Morin, DPM, director of podiatric medicine at the Hackensack University Medical Center.

Pressure Wearing High Heels

Problems range from common concerns like bunions, corns, and calluses to more complex issues like misshapen hammertoes or that excruciating pain in the ball of the foot that seems to grow worse with each passing year.”

Still, many women refuse to give up their high heels: A survey conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association showed some 42% of women admitted they’d wear a shoe they liked even if it gave them discomfort; 73% admitted already having a shoe-related foot issue.”


What’s funny is that, in studies, men have been shown to not see the difference in whether or not we are wearing heels. They don’t even notice.
“Experts at Northumbria University are studying the reactions of men to women walking while wearing high heels and others without heels. (…) But the experts say research has shown that men cannot even tell if a woman is wearing high heels when they walk.”

High heels don’t cause bunions, but they sure can aggravate them. Both the heel height and the point of the shoe can play a role,” says podiatrist Stuart Mogul DPM.

Moreover, he says some women who have bunions also have a displaced bone on the bottom of the big toe joint, which changes the way the foot “tracks” or acts during motion.

“If the foot is then placed in a high heel, and pitched forward, the pressure on these bones increases and bunion pain grows worse,” he says.

If you’re wearing high heels on a daily basis, it’s likely you’ve already experienced two more common problems: corns and calluses. These thickened layers of dead skin usually occur on the toes or sides of the foot and are actually the body’s way of defending your feet against assault. Only in this case, says Morin, your shoes are the enemy.

“When you start developing corns and callus, or even ingrown toe nails, pressure from shoes that don’t quite fit is often the problem,” says Morin.

Other times it can be the result of a “hammertoe” — a condition that causes the bone of the affected toe to curl under, leaving the top to rub against the shoe. When that shoe is a high heel, says Morin, problems and pain are intensified.

While wearing a lower heel shoe can help some, the solution may require a surgical procedure that helps straighten the hammertoe.

For bottom-of-the-foot pain, says Morin, is the use of heavily padded insoles. “They act as a buffer between your foot and the ground, and that’s all you really need.”

And finally, if you’ve worn primarily high heels for most of your life, you may experience shrinkage of the Achilles tendon, the area that runs from the back of the heel to the calf. This can result in pain when wearing a low-heel shoe or even the inability to walk barefoot.

The antidote here: Stretching exercises like runners do. In rare instances, Mogul says you may need surgery to lengthen the Achilles tendon.

Wear a thicker heel for stability. “A thicker heel will give you better balance and may help relieve some pressure by distributing the weight on your foot more evenly, says Morin.  Alternating heel heights can also help reduce problems with the Achilles tendon.

Pay attention to the “slope” or “pitch” of the heel.  While some 4-inch heels will give you a straight drop down to the flatbed portion of the shoe, others will be a more gradual slope. This may be easier on the arch, says Morin, and might help relieve some pain in the ball of the foot.

Wear open-toe high heels to relieve pressure on corns and calluses. See a podiatrist to have corns and calluses professionally removed and correct the problem that’s causing them. But if that’s not possible, opt for open-toe shoes to take pressure off inflamed areas.


Click link below for full view.

In my life I have always seen women using high heels to get ahead using sex appeal and professionalism, or that’s what they think anyways. Whether for a party, a date, or work, women use high heels to boost their confidence in their worth, as taller, sexier, high-class professionals. Maybe it’s because they like how their high heels hit the floor when they walk, or how they make your butt stick out and your pelvis in – boobs out. Maybe they like seeing their male or female counterparts eye-to-eye. Or, maybe it's because they saw The Devil Wears Prada too many times.

What I don’t understand is, why women wear high heels when they know they are so damaging to their bodies. For looking sexier, taller, and more ‘professional’ or ‘hard-core’ in the business world – things like Bunions, Hammertoes, BruisingAnkle Injuries, ‘Pump Bump‘, Morton’s Neuroma, Arthritis in the Knees (osteoarthritis), shortened Achilles Tendons, the inability to walk barefoot, pain when wearing low-heel shoes (tendinitis), pain in the ball of the foot (Metatarsalgia), hips, and back, and severe lower back and leg pain sure are a high prices to pay. 

Personally, I couldn’t walk a mile in those shoes! Ouch!

Although it’s true that women shouldn’t have to be wearing high-heels to perceive themselves as confident, sexy, business professionals- this trend seems to come around every time the economy goes down. We’re hardwired to do it for our livelihoods. But wouldn’t work be easier if we were comfortable in our own shoes? Wouldn’t that be more enjoyable? What’s holding us back?

I don’t want to sound too controversial, but hey no one is paying me to keep quiet. I think, the trend is, for men to take advantage of women’s placement in the world system- and turn them into slaves of fashions, disadvantaging them in the workplace, and even degrading them by ‘making them’ wear shoes which make their butts stick out. Sexism is still alive in the workplace, sadly.

I want to be free to wear whatever shoes I’d like, and even better, be able to pay for them because of equal and fair treatment in the workplace. Even better then that, I want to get free comfortable shoes so that I can choose what I’d like to do with my life rather then having to work doing something I don’t believe in, or like, to buy a basic thing like shoes!

Equal Money System:

I want to be the girl who fights for my right and other’s rights to live enjoyable comfortable lives- not the girl who works her whole life away being a slave to a system that abuses her.

I’d also like to add that I noticed in rap songs occasionally you will hear brainwashing about what women should be, do and wear (tall sex toys with high heels) for men… this is complete sexist bullshit. High heels are abusive to the body and women shouldn’t be made to think that they are less sexy without them, because naturally we’re going to want to start wearing them, and consequently fuck up our bodies and injure ourselves. Why should we be made out to be some sexy toy for men anyway? Sex is a mutual, equal, and intimate thing. Who cares what kind of shoes we’re wearing (while getting down to (‘business).

Here’s an example:
(Verse 1)
Take it off, I wanna love you
And errbody wanna touch you
You move it right wanna see what’s up under
Then back it up, beep beep like a trucker
Nice thighs, nice waist
And you know I can’t forget about your face
But don’t none of that matter
I’m about to make your pockets fatter
Girl I just wanna see you strip, right now
Cause it’s late, late!
Girl I just wanna see you strip (Girl, Take Your Time With It)
Girl I just wanna see you strip
God damn you sexy!
God damn you sexy!
God damn you sexy!
Girl I just wanna see you strip!
(Verse 2)
Got my shades on with my Jays on
In the club with a pocket full of ones
This girl booty out of control
There she go up and down that pole
Which one I’m a take home, get my freak on
If you ain’t freakin’ we ain’t speakin’
You think I’m playing
No, I’m not!
Let me see you back it up and drop
Yeah, I wanna see your legs in the air!
Baby don’t worry about your hair, over sex
I don’t give a damn about that
In the club they’re playing my song
Turn it up, play it all night long!
If you think you can, and you know you can
I’m a give you all this money money money
Girl I just wanna see you strip, right now
Cause it’s late, late!
Girl I just wanna see you strip (Girl, Take Your Time Wit It)
Girl I just wanna see you strip
God damn you sexy!
God damn you sexy!
God damn you sexy!
Girl I just wanna see you…
(Verse 3 – Kevin McCall)
Pants, shirt, you can take it off
Panties, bra, you can take it off
Red bottom heels, you can take ‘em
Wait, wait, leave ‘em on, cause I like my woman tall!
You got it hot momma, you’re hotter than a sauna
I wanna put clothes on your body like a banana
The only reason I dress you in that designer
Is to get you out that Dolce and Gabbana!
I throw this money up, she watch it all fall
Anything you’re wanting baby, you can have it all
Starting with my last name now they call Mrs. McCall
Girl I just wanna see you strip, right now
Cause it’s late, late!
Girl I just wanna see you strip (Girl, Take Your Time With It)
Girl I just wanna see you strip
God damn you sexy!
God damn you sexy!
God damn you sexy!
Girl I just wanna see you…

I think you can see the male dominance here, the female inferiority, and the enslavement altogether. Portrayed as sexual objects women are abused by men who give them the chance at survival as long as they play along in their sick and twisted game.

No matter how much of yourself you have invested in this lifestyle, man or woman, it is not who you really are. We shouldn’t be made to live this way. If we have the choice, we shouldn’t have to participate in it, either.

I suggest not flaunting your ‘sexuality‘ in high heels because it sends the wrong message to others. It’s an image that doesn’t support anyone to see and believe. It’s an illusion.


High Heels are Torture

I also suggest reading the blogs below:

Take Care of Yourself!

If you enjoyed this article about High Heels, You’d probably enjoy my post titled: ‘Consumerism Junkies‘.

The picture above is outrageous, to say the least. Girls this young shouldn’t have body image to worry about. Although she is wearing flats, I couldn’t tell from the shape and position of the shoe. They LOOK like high heels. I don't think skinny jeans aren’t very practical for someone so young, either.

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Man's-true-hate.. Period!

So, what do I mean by Man’s-True-Hate, Period?

To menstruate. Having your period!

But, why do we hate it so much?

Because it is ‘unclean’ (as said by the Bible).

But when you look at the truth of the matter.. I would think we ‘hate it’ because it interferes with normal living.

It’s gross, it’s messy, it’s everywhere.

We have to wear pads and/or tampons, which can be a nuisance, or just a pain in the uterus.

Not to mention having a Period means Cramps, making us a Wee Bit Cranky.

Today I am on my period again. I’m not having very regular cycles nowadays, and I can tell because I had my period around the 30th of July, and now it’s only the 20th and I’m having it again. Yet, the only time I do have a period is when I eat too much fat, or something else my body doesn't want. The only way I know how much fat is too much fat is because I have read the book 80/10/10 and subscribe to nearly all the big shot raw foodies on the ‘net.

I know nutrition!

For a human being, the proper amount of fat in the diet is 10% of total calories or less, (preferably around 5%). This is sufficient for all human beings- and fits perfectly with an all raw diet consisting of only raw fruits, vegetables, and optional nuts and seeds. But personally, I can not consume nuts/seeds because I get acne as detoxification of fats through the skin.

The way to figure the perfect amount of fat for your diet on a healthy plan (raw or cooked, 80/10/10) and protein (because it’s equal to fat in this plan) all you need to do is figure your carbohydrate count, which is 5g per pound of body weight.

So, if you are 120 pounds, like me, that’s 600g of carbohydrates per day, (4 cups of rice or 22 bananas).

Now, divide that number by 8, and you’ve got your optimal fat and protein intake in grams. For me that’s 75g. However, this is actually too much for me, and I follow a lower fat program which is more like 90/5/5. This works the best.

I cease having detox through my uterus, my skin clears, and all is well in my world.

If you are interested in losing your period for good, or clearing your skin this is the only way to go that is in your best interests.


Limit your overt (not in fruits, vegetables, or leafy greens) fat intake to around 10g a day and your body’s cells will be able to absorb the sugars from carbohydrates in your bloodstream normally, regulating your blood sugar. This is equivalent to half an avocado, plus any fats you get in leafy greens and fruits. This differs from nuts and seeds. To check the amount of fat grams in these or other items — you can sign up for the ultimate nutrition calculator at

For more information on the purpose of menstruation, and a fascinating read, please visit: 

To learn more about the dangers of wearing pads and tampons, please visit: Must%20Read%20For%20Women.pdf

If you are sick and tired of using pads and tampons, I recommend ‘The Diva Cup‘, a popular and Eco-friendly option for women.

I love it!

If you enjoyed this blog post about Hell on one’s Period- be sure to check out Hell On Heels, by clicking here, or on the picture below.

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