Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Make Up For Your 'Shortcomings'

The Beauty Industry Has A Way of making You feel less Beautiful. 

However much 'Make Up' salespeople/spokespeople will tell you or say to you how their way or product will boost your self-confidence or make you look, and THEN feel better, the truth is- you are giving away your power, and making THEM look better by supporting their industry by using and inevitably advertising these ‘services’ and products.

If you think Making Up makes you look more beautiful, you're wrong. You were beautiful all along! You are a piece of the universe, let that beauty shine though. Represent that!

No Makeup

I believe that true beauty comes from adhering to Mother Nature’s laws within one’s lifestyle, and sickness is what stems from violating them. S-ickness is not attractive. Being healthy and fit for sex (reproduction), is!

Makeup Stylist

Airbrushing, tanning, fried hair, makeup enhancement, false eyelashes, plastic surgery and botox are all ways to hide away the detriment of your physical- or, your natural beauty ...trying to stick with the status quo. They are ways to escape (self-)judgement. Why do we accept and allow the suppression of our truth within ourselves and from others?

What is this abuse?


Simply put, Fear – of Loss, Change, and of being Embarrassed, or as I like to call it- ‘I’m Bare Assed!’ lol.

Babe.. let's face it.
You was born naked! 

Anyways, last night I was thinking about what to write, and because I don’t believe in most of what we are lead to do and believe by corporations, the government, the media, and society- I thought I would write a blog post about Making Up (For 'Shortcomings') and how it is oppressing people, ruining people’s lives, and relationships with and as other people.

My thought was something like this:

If we wear makeup and believe it makes us beautiful, and make others believe it ‘makes us’ beautiful- then who are we to ourselves and others when we take it off?

Now my thought also includes:

If we believe we are less without, or more with Make Up, we forget that we are all Equal and One, with and as the physical- not Ego! You can make yourself up to be more, but in the process you are putting others (and yourself essentially), underneath your ego- which is abuse.

If we created a situation where when we put on makeup we are more, then when we take it off of course we become less than with the makeup, or so we think.

Sadly, men and women alike are both conditioned by these corporations into believing that makeup makes us look better.

Fuck that, though. 

Fuck conditioning.
I don't care what other people think. 
It's so irrelevant- and limiting.
I'ma just do what I wanna do.
Q: What kind of relationships do you create when you yourself and those around you believe that you look more beautiful with makeup slathered on your face than with no makeup at all?

A: Relationships where you feel insecure, and where your partner, family and friends all believe in the beauty of your makeup rather then the beauty that is you alone.

Total prison if you ask me. Total shit-hole of a life. No room for true self-expression.

I don’t know about you, but I just can’t accept someone telling me that I should go put on some makeup to look better.

It’s not going to change who I am, and I’m not going to do it. I know that without the makeup I am more beautiful- It’s just that most people are conditioned into believing that Makeup is beauty, Eyeliner is beauty, Mascara is beauty, Lipstick is beauty, Blush is beauty, Face Contouring is beauty, Plastic Surgery is beauty, Botox is beauty, Bed tanning is beauty, False Eyelashes are beauty, Concealer is beauty, ‘Stylish Hair’ is beauty, and Colored Contacts are ‘beauty‘… How fucked are we?

What about Self-Acceptance? Self-Honesty? What about the beauty that shines out from your soul?

What about You?

With and Without Makeup

From my experience, all that fake shit attracts more fake shit. You end up living a fake lie for a life.

No Makeup Celebrity Without
Selena Gomez No Makeup Without
Without Makeup No Celebrity
Without No Makeup Celebrity

Now, if you’d rather attract the good things in life, Be Yourself. Be-You-To-Full. If you accept yourself alone, that is enough. Don’t buy into what the beauty industry is selling to you, ’cause no matter which way you slice it, if it isn’t you, it isn’t real. Real is beautiful. Are you for real?

Celebrities Look Good Without Makeup
Celebrities Look Better Without Makeup
David Cameron Better Without Makeup
Angelina Jolie With and Without No Makeup

Clearly these people are putting on a fake face, and for what? Sometimes I wonder if people even know how to be BEautiful anymore. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Take the time to get to know the real you, without the mask on... You are not strictly limited to how you look/appear, by the way.

To continue, nearly everyone knows that (most) makeup companies test on animals, which is another reason I abstain from using makeup and giving people the wrong idea about what my stance is on it. Because I care. I love bunny rabbits, cats, dogs — you name it. Below is a complete list of the companies who test on animals. Boycott much?

This list includes but is not limited to; Burt's Bees, Urban Decay (L’Oreal), Yves Saint Laurent (L’Oreal), Almay (Revlon), American Beauty (Estee Lauder), Avon Products Inc., Bobbi Brown (Estee Lauder), Chapstick (Pfizer), Estee Lauder, L’Oreal USA, Lancome (L’Oreal), M.A.C. Cosmetics (Estee Lauder), Mary Kay, Maybelline (L’Oreal), Revlon, Shu Uemura (L’Oreal), and Sinful Colors (Revlon).

Stop abusing animals, Stop abusing others, Stop abusing yourself. 

We are all one and equal here, the universal language is not words, is not thoughts, that is separation from who you really are- as the universe, and as love. You are love. Support all by accepting yourself, and toss that makeup for god’s sake. You are perfect. Let it Shine through.

Truth Is Beauty - Artwork at Burning Man 2013
Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
Take care everyone!

Still feel insecure about not wearing Makeup? Read my Blog Post: Do You Project Fear and Judgement onto Other Women? 

You might also be interested in my post: How To Clear Your Skin For Good.

Click here to learn more.
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Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Cause Of Migraines

Today as I was reading an article from from which I receive daily news articles, I was disappointed when I searched to no avail for the link between diet and migraines.

To read this article visit the link below:

This is a great example of how in news articles, not everything is true and some things are even left out.

What is not being told to the masses is that candida albicans are actually beneficial, and candida overgrowth is due to high blood sugar, which is caused by excess fat in the bloodstream. When too much fat is consumed, glucose cannot be absorbed by the cells for fuel.

Glucose is good for us, it is every cells primary energy source. Ketones from coconut oil can also be used for energy (which has helped many patients with diseases like ALS, MS, and AIDS that have the same problem of too much fat in the blood), but using coconut oil is a quick fix and is inferior to lowering one's fat intake to include more simple and complex carbs found in fruits, vegetables, and starches.

Now, are you serious about halting the return of your migraines forever? 

All you have to do is keep your saturated fat intake (especially saturated animal fats) below 10-15g a day.

Or, better yet... get them out of your diet, altogether.

Good fats come from whole plant foods in their unprocessed/minimally processed state. 

Young Coconut
Durian Pods

Saturated fats come from animal foods, and heavily processed plant foods like oil.

Low-carb diets are Dangerous to your Health, and unsustainable.
All Seafood has been affected by Fukushima meltdown and is now Extremely Radioactive. Read my post: Fukushima Radiation Results.
Dairy products, despite their title, actually do not come from dairy's but Factory Farms. Milk products are the product of artificial insemination (rape), and cruelly sacrificing calves to the veal industry. Milk products are so acidic that the calcium they contain is of no relevance to bone health. Animal protein in general is the cause of osteoporosis. Read my post: The Dope On Milk.
If diverted, grain from the meat industry could end starvation. The correlation of meat consumption and cancer are congruent. Read my post: Meet your Meat.
Try an oil-free dressing like stone-ground mustard with apple cider vinegar, 'BraggBerry' or 'Hawaiian' from Bragg's. You can even make your own in a blender with fresh produce.

Saturated fats are not necessary in the diet. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats however, are good for you and unlike saturated fat- they can be used by the body since they haven't been oxidized from processing, and are available as food for us from nature, (and not already used by the animal whom you're eating!)

To be sure you're not exceeding your saturated fat intake limit, check the nutritional facts of what you eat!

Also, it is important to avoid eating raw foods, especially fruits, after cooked foods. Cooked foods are foreign to our physiology, because we evolved eating raw foods for the majority of our history, (over 60 million years.) On the other hand, cooked foods are relatively foreign to our physiology, and much harder/slower to digest. Raw foods are much easier to digest, and fast to digest at that. Don't eat cooked foods before raw foods or else you'll have backed-up food and a lot of fermentation, which causes Candida Albicans overgrowth.

Check out the Raw 'til 4 diet by visiting this link:

If you have a headache right now

...or you get one in the future and it's too late to change what you ate- try snorting cayenne powder like the article recommends, or consuming ginger, fresh is best. My partner Reid took ginger in his (chamomile) tea during his cold and his migraine and congestion were substantially decreased (by over 75%).

Water is also very good for you. aim for a gallon a day.

Read about: How Clean Drinking Water Can Cure Ebola

Also, Mercury amalgams may be causing your migraines, learn more about amalgams, HERE.

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Antibiotics for UTI infections: Here's what works without resorting to dangerous drugs

(NaturalNews) Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be painful and can also result in a trip to the doctor's office and a prescription for an antibiotic. But there are natural remedies for UTIs that you can employ to avoid the doctor (and prescription) altogether, and for far less money too.

The signs and symptoms of a UTI can include:

Cloudy or bloody urine, accompanied by an unusually foul odor;
In some people, a low-grade fever;
Pain or burning upon urination;
Pressure/cramping in the lower abdomen or back;
A strong need to urinate often, even after you have just emptied your bladder

As the infection spreads, you may experience a higher fever with chills, pain in the sides, back or groin and a general feeling of being ill.

But the best medicine, they say, can be prevention. Here are some common natural preventive measures that you can take to avoid UTIs in the first place:

Get plenty of vitamin D: A number of health conditions can be prevented or corrected by adequate daily intake of vitamin D, and UTIs are one of them. According to a 2011 study published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers found that vitamin D helps increase production of special antimicrobial peptides in the body that prevent infection from harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses, including those which trigger UTIs.

D-mannose: This somewhat bitter but naturally occurring sugar found in cranberries is another powerful natural weapon to fight UTIs. Isolated D-mannose is believed to be the primary active ingredient in cranberries, and it is up to 50 times stronger than just using cranberries to target UTIs (meaning this is probably a preferred treatment over cranberries alone). This bittersweet, naturally occurring sugar can help both prevent the formation and accumulation of harmful bacteria in your urinary tract and allow the beneficial bacterial in your intestinal tract to flourish.

Cranberries: And speaking of cranberries, Native Americans and early American settlers used them as a powerful fighter of infections in general, with the latter believing that they could help stave off scurvy. A recent meta-analysis of data found that drinking cranberry juice or consuming cranberry-containing products regularly can help stave off UTIs particularly in women. The study, which was published in The Archives of Internal Medicine, concluded that regular juice drinkers were 38 percent less likely than non-drinkers to develop UTIs.

Uva ursi: Also known as "bearberry," uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) grows in the northern United States and Europe, and has diuretic, astringent and antiseptic qualities. It has also been effectively used to treat UTIs, though the urine must be alkaline for it so be effective. That means that you should not use it in conjunction with cranberry juice, which makes the urine acidic. Also, you'll want to limit your use, because in high doses, uva ursi is toxic (so anyone who has a kidney infection already, or pregnant women, will want to avoid it).

Baking soda: Drinking baking soda mixed in water at the first signs of a UTI can quickly neutralize your urine and kill any bacteria living in it. You can mix as little as a single tablespoon of baking soda in water and then drink it several times throughout the day to treat minor, uncomplicated UTIs and thus prevent them from worsening.

Probiotic supplementation: Researchers at the Langone Medical Center at New York University recommend living probiotics supplementation to help keep UTIs from occurring, especially those that may originate in the bladder. Based on the results of a double-blind trial involving 453 women who had experienced regular and recurring bladder infections, probiotic blends containing a unique and harmless strain of Escherichia coli (E. coli) were found to be particularly effective at treating and curing UTIs.


My note: I've had a urinal tract infection that lead to my bladder being infected. At this point I was extremely chilly and could not stay warm for the life of me. My dad took me to the hospital and we found out what was wrong. I almost died and had a very high fever. 

Watch the video below to improve your chances of staying UTI free.

Subcscribe to Peter Csere for more!

Also, read my blog post: Sunny D - Get Some ☼ 

Thanks for reading, and sharing!

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Amalgams ruin lives; here's what everyone should know about mercury fillings

(NaturalNews) Brian was an honor student at age fourteen. Within a month after his trip to the dentist, his world changed. Suddenly he experienced ongoing fatigue and a "brain fog" so severe he could not concentrate for more than ten minutes at a time. Honors classes became a thing of the past, while Brian, who had always been a happy well adjusted teen, grappled with suicidal thoughts.

Ten years later Brian was searching the web for a means to treat his persistent body acne when one site said the treatment probably wouldn't work unless mercury fillings were first removed. After a little research, Brian realized his fatigue, lack of attention, fogginess, and the metallic taste in his mouth all coincided with the dental visit when he acquired ten amalgam (mercury) fillings in his teeth. Just the removal of the first three amalgams resulted in a dramatic increase in mental clarity.

Mercury fillings - amalgam

Mercury fillings slowly leech mercury and mercury vapor, causing a multitude of problems in the body including disruption of the nervous system, the immune system, the circulatory system, and the reproductive system. Mercury can damage the brain, heart, kidneys, and lungs - virtually every organ and every system in the body.

Mercury is a neurotoxin that binds selenium, keeping it from fighting cancer cells. Nearly every process in the body relies on sulfur - hormones, enzymes, nerve tissue, and red blood cells, but mercury binds to sulfur, inactivating it.

Mercury binding to proteins may affect the immune system's ability to recognize cancerous cells and normal cells, resulting in cancerous cells growing while the immune system attacks normal, healthy tissues resulting in auto-immune disease. It decreases liver detoxification and breaks DNA.

Mercury is found in the center of tumors. It plays a major role in reproductive and endocrine cancers. It also collects in the mouth and jaw with heavy collections of mercury in cavitations.

Mercury creates an anaerobic environment, one in which Candida flourishes. When mercury fillings are removed and a mercury detox is completed, Candidiasis significantly improves or resolves.

Dr. Adams states, "There are many thousands of documented cases where removal of amalgam fillings when combined with mercury detoxification and nutritional support has cured or significantly improved serious health problems including cancers such as multiple myeloma and leukemia."

Mercury fillings can be removed and replaced, though it is imperative to your health that you choose a properly trained dentist to perform the removal, one who will make every effort to minimize your mercury exposure throughout the process. Look for biological dentists (those who practice holistic care).

What to do now

International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine has a database of practitioners. You might also try the Mercury Safe Dentist Directory.

Your diet needs to aid in detoxing the body while supporting the immune system. You support your immune system by not overburdening it with pesticides, herbicides, artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, GMOs, or sugar.


My Note: Eat a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, raw foods before cooked foods to allow fast-digesting raw plants to go through and not ferment behind slower-digesting cooked foods. Go vegan! I recommend Neem toothpaste or baking soda to brush teeth, omitting fluoride pastes which are bad for you. Avoid fish because they are full of mercury and radiation from Fukushima. Read my post about Fukushima, here

Thanks for reading, and sharing!

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You might also be interested in: 

How root canals lead to a diseased body and what you can do about it

Flu shot paralyzes healthy Florida girl

(NaturalNews) Sure, vaccines are safe -- except when they randomly trigger extreme brain inflammation that leads to vision loss, paralysis and an inability to speak. This is what happened to now-10-year-old Marysue Grivna of Tampa, Florida, just four days after she received a flu vaccine, which left her completely debilitated with a serious brain disease known as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, or ADEM.

It all began on November 22, 2013, when young Marysue was taken in to get a seasonal flu vaccine. Just days later, the child began to get sick and quickly developed symptoms of paralysis. Worried, her parents took her in for an evaluation and it was determined that she had succumbed to an immune disorder caused by inflammation of the brain.

Similar to multiple sclerosis, ADEM manifests as an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks itself, in this case targeting the protective coverings surrounding nerve fibers. Known as myelin, these coverings are meant to protect nerves in the brain and spinal cord, for instance, from being harmed. In their absence, symptoms like loss of vision and paralysis can occur.

"Her father Steven and I are certain, due to all our research, that this was what caused Marysue's condition," stated the girl's mother, Carla, during a recent interview with Fox & Friends. "The doctors won't confirm it or deny it... [but] she was a happy, healthy, running, and playing nine-year-old. Then this happened."

5 percent of ADEM cases emerge after vaccination, says NIH

Though the doctors involved were reluctant to admit that the flu shot was the cause, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) admits that as many as 5 percent of ADEM cases emerge immediately following vaccination. The disease can also emerge following certain surgical procedures, says Dr. Juan Dumois, director of All Children's Hospital, where Marysue was admitted.

"It can just appear out of the blue or after maybe a surgical procedure," he told CBS 10 News.

A similar case occurred in 2008 when a 75-year-old woman developed ADEM just two days after getting a flu shot. According to the Daily Mail, the woman began to suffer symptoms of numbness and paralysis, and later died -- all from a vaccine that as we reported back in 2011 is almost completely ineffective at preventing the flu.

"Marysue is now nonverbal, confined to a wheelchair/hospital bed, is primarily eating via a g-tube though we are now able to start feeding her stage two baby food by mouth," says the family on a GoFundMe page seeking financial assistance for the construction of a new room that will accommodate Marysue's special needs.

"Our house is very small and her hospital bed is in our living room because the doors in our house are too narrow to accommodate her bed or wheelchair," they say. "We are also trying to raise funds to purchase a wheelchair van. If we had this, we feel we could possibly get one of our neighbors to put her in her wheelchair... thus providing me and her grandmother the ability to take her [to the doctor] and relieving her father having to carry her."

The Grivna family's GoFundMe page, which contains further details of the girl's demise following her flu shot, can be accessed here:

For more on the ineffectiveness and dangers of flu vaccines, be sure to check out this brief report by Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D., published by the International Medical Council on Vaccination:

Thanks for reading, and sharing!

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How root canals lead to a diseased body and what you can do to about it

(NaturalNews) Melanie was a young mother of two children and a housewife when she became ill. First her ear began popping every time she swallowed and she could feel the pressure of fluid in her ear. Soon it was hard to swallow. Gynecological problems were followed by systemic symptoms of overwhelming pain and fatigue. Eventually, Melanie, sick as she was, was forced to go get a job in order to pay her medical bills. She was miserable and in constant pain until the day she had her dead tooth pulled.

Before any of her symptoms began, Melanie had an infected tooth and a subsequent root canal. Later, although she experienced no pain at the site, the tooth was the root of her health problems. She felt better the first day that tooth was pulled, and all of her symptoms disappeared with a few months.

Melanie's story is not uncommon, though the realization that the root canal is the source of disease is uncommon. Many people who have had a root canal suffer from a sudden onset of chronic disease and never realize the connection.

Why root canals are dangerous

After a root canal is performed, the tooth is dead. The remaining tissue and structure now provides a ripe environment for remaining bacteria. Tooth material (dentine) is not solid. It is rife with tubules - incredibly small canals or tunnels. If you were to stretch out the tubules in each tooth, tubules from incisors would reach 3 miles, while tubules from molars would reach 9 miles.

Once the pulp is removed from the tooth, there is no longer a blood or oxygen supply. The bacteria that remain can mutate to an anaerobic form and multiply until there are millions living within the tubules of the dead tooth. From there, they secrete potent toxins.

Holistic practitioners are finding these dead teeth are often a source of disease for the body - everything from unexplained symptoms to cancer. For example, Dr. Garcia tells of a woman who consulted several doctors for a mysterious swelling in one leg. Within one day after Dr. Garcia removed the woman's tooth (an old root canal), the swelling was gone. When Dr. Thomas Rau, a Swiss physician who specializes in breast cancer, learned of the possible link between root canals and cancer, he investigated his last 150 patients and found that 97% of them did have one or more root canals - and they were on the same meridian side of the body as the cancer!

A dead tooth may spew toxins into the body with no detectible symptoms - no pain, no swelling of the gums - nothing to alert you that it is wrecking havoc upon your immune system and causing chronic and acute medical conditions that you are attempting to cure.

Speak with your holistic dentist about extracting and replacing cadaverous teeth and how to proceed with ongoing dental care. In the meantime, you must eat a diet that aids you in releasing those toxins, while building and supporting the immune system.


My note: If you have had root canal(s) in the past, talk to a HOLISTIC dentist about removing dead teeth and make sure to eat a healthy (fruit and vegetable rich diet) to boost your immune system. Stay away from GM (genetically modified) food (unorganic soy, canola, cottonseed, corn, sugar [from sugar beets], yellow neck and zucchini squash, and hawaiian papaya. Choose organic for these foods because genetically modified organisms are not allowed in organic food production. Read labels!) Eat simple meals from whole foods, avoid man-made ingredients and heavily processed foods, and remember to go vegan!)

Thanks for reading, and sharing!

To get e-mail notifications of new posts from this blog, contact me at:

P.S. I also strongly suggest watching the video below where Peter Csere explains why zirconium implants are the way to go when it comes to ditching your dead teeth.

Subscribe! He's got lots of great videos to keep you educated and entertained. 
Peter Csere I remember seeing one dentist in Tijuana quote about $1500 for a titanium implant and porcelain crown, so a zirconium implant might be a little more than that, but I haven't gotten a quote for a zirconium implant yet. Some of the mexico dentists you can email them for a quote.  
In America you can expect to pay 2,3,4 times more for most dental work so a titanium implant might run you $3,000 dollars and more for zirconium. Also note that if you find any surprisingly low quotes - some dentists misleadingly quote for only the implant (then once you do it, you find out the crown is more.)  
You can get a tooth extracted if you're worried about a root canal (make sure the dentist puts in bone grafting material afterwards, to make a good base for the implant) and then you must wait at least a few months before the implant is put in (to reduce swelling, allow the bone grafting material to work, etc.) before you get the implant. If you're short on money you can wait a few years to put the implant in - just not longer or else you might see bite malformation and bone loss in the jaw in that area. There is also the possibility of having just an implant put in, to save money and prevent bone loss, and then having the crown put in later.

You may also be interested in: 

Amalgams ruin lives; here's what everyone should know about mercury fillings

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical to carry out race-based genocide against Africans

Saturday, November 08, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) Tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.

A whopping 2.3 million young girls and women are in the process of being given the vaccine, pushed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization.

"We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen," Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. "They were all laced with HCG."

Chemical causes a woman's body to destroy its own fetus with vaccine-induced antibodies

HCG is a chemical developed by the World Health Organization for sterilization purposes. When injected into the body of a young woman, it causes a pregnancy to be destroyed by the body's own antibody response to the HCG, resulting in a spontaneous abortion. Its effectiveness lasts for years, causing abortions in women up to three years after the injections.

Dr. Ngare explained "...this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine."

The Kenyan government, of course, insists the vaccine is perfectly safe. Dr. Tabu of Kenya's Health Ministry even told the media that because some young women are still having babies, the vaccine therefore must not contain any sterilization agent. However, this claim belies the fact that HCG doesn't work 100% of the time. It only sterilizes the majority of those injected with it, not all of them.

More importantly, the Kenyan Catholic Church is a pro-vaccine organization. "What reason do the Catholic doctors have for lying?" asked Dr. Ngare as reported in the LifeSiteNews article linked above. "The Catholic Church has been here in Kenya providing health care and vaccinating for 100 years for longer than Kenya has existed as a country."

In other words, the very group exposing the sterilization agenda of the tetanus vaccines is in fact a pro-vaccination group. Yet even they have now come to realize the horrifying truth: vaccines are the perfect vector for governments to deviously insert covert chemical or viral agents which are never revealed to the public.

The smoking gun: a five-shot course over two years

What really raised red flags about this so-called tetanus vaccine was the highly unusual inoculation schedule. This vaccine demanded five shots over two years -- a schedule that isn't used for tetanus.

"The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992." explained Dr. Ngare.

Furthermore, the vaccine was only being given to women of child-bearing years, not men or women beyond the age of fertility.

As Dr. Ngare explains, the same vaccine sterilization campaign was used in 1993 in Mexico and both Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994. WHO attempted to bring it to Kenya in the 1990's, Ngare says, but the effort was stopped by the Catholic Church.

According to Brian Clowes of Human Life International, the United Nations is not refuting the laboratory testing and confirmation of HCG in the vaccines. Instead, it claims some vaccines were "contaminated" in the manufacturing process -- an absurd claim that no reasonable person would believe because HCG should never even be anywhere near a vaccine manufacturing operation unless someone put it there deliberately.

LifeSiteNews reports that it:

has obtained a UN report on an August 1992 meeting at its world headquarters in Geneva of 10 scientists from "Australia, Europe, India and the U.S.A" and 10 "women's health advocates" from around the world, to discuss the use of "fertility regulating vaccines." It describes the "anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin vaccine" as the most advanced.

Read the full report from LifeSiteNews at:

United Nations, WHO and UNICEF all engaged in vaccination genocide

You will not see this news reported by any mainstream media outlet in the United States. All truth about vaccines is censored, even if the truth is that the United Nations is deliberately engaged in a campaign of vaccine genocide against people of Africa.

What is happening in Kenya is a crime against humanity, and it is a crime committed with deliberate racial discrimination. Normally, the liberal media in the United States would be all over a story involving racial discrimination and genocide -- or even a single police shooting of a black teenager -- but because this genocide is being committed with vaccines, the entire mainstream media excuses it. Apparently, medical crimes against black people are perfectly acceptable to the liberal media as long as vaccines are used as the weapon.

As this story clearly demonstrates, "vaccine violence" is very real in our world. Vaccines are the perfect weapon for population control for several reasons:

1) Nobody really knows what's in them.
2) They can be easily spiked with hidden chemicals.
3) They can be administered under the cover of "public health."
4) All governments and establishment media will deliberately collaborate with the genocide in order to protect vaccines from being recognized as medical weapons against women.

Thus, vaccines can be routinely used to inject populations with birth control chemicals or even stealth cancer viruses. In fact, this is exactly what happened to as many as 98 million Americans during the mass polio vaccinations of the 1960's and 70's. The CDC even documented the "accidental" injection of millions of Americans with the cancer-causing SV40 simian virus, but the agency scrubbed all that history from its website in 2013. 

In Kenya today, government authorities also claim the sterilization chemical was an "accidental" contamination. That's the excuse that can always be used as a cover story in weaponized vaccination schemes, where governments deliberately taint vaccines with known chemicals that end life, promote cancer or cause spontaneous abortions.

Vaccines as weapons = Medical crimes against humanity

The deliberate adding of HCG to vaccines without full disclosure to the population is a heinous violation of human rights and human dignity. Here are just a few of the crimes now being committed against humanity under the guise of vaccinations:

CRIME #1) No informed consent. None of these women in Kenya were told the truth that they were being injected with a sterilization chemical designed to cause infertility.

CRIME #2) Race-based genocide. The targeting of Kenyan women with this vaccine is a deliberate selection based on their race. By any reasonable standard, this would be called a racially-motivated hate crime resulting in genocide.

CRIME #3) The deliberate killing of a human being. The spontaneous abortions caused by these HCG-spiked vaccines results in the ending of a human life inside the mother's body. These killings take place without the consent or permission of the mother, nor any opportunity for defense of the life of the unborn child.

CRIME #4) Violation of Geneva Convention limitations on medical experimentation. All these Kenyan women injected with this vaccine are being used as human guinea pigs in a covert, criminal medical experiment. None of these women voluntarily signed up for this medical experiment, nor were they even informed. This is a medical crime against human beings.

CRIME #5) Crimes against women. Only women were selected for this targeted sterilization vaccine effort, proving that this is not only a race-based crime but also a gender-based crime against women.

If you add all this up, you've got weaponized vaccines being intentionally spiked with a known sterilization chemical developed by the WHO, then deployed in a racially-motivated genocidal manner that targets women to be used in an illegal medical experiment administered via vaccine inoculations.

When administered via vaccines, genocide and murder are apparently not news

Yet, despite all this, the mainstream media is perfectly okay with this activity. The World Health Organizations endorses it. The United Nations organizes it. Governments help fund it. Vaccine-pushing scientists excuse it. Media outlets cover it up and censor the story, hoping you don't read Natural News or Life Site News to learn the truth.

When pharmacies in your neighborhood push flu shots and other vaccines, they don't tell you they are part of a branch of medicine steeped in genocide, racially-motivated hate crimes and a medical war on women. They don't tell you that flu shots still contain toxic mercury at concentrations 100 times the mercury found in ocean fish. They don't tell you anything about what's in those vaccines for the same reason that women in Kenya are never told what's in them, either. 

Vaccines are the perfect weapons against women and children

The truth is that vaccines are easily deployed as weapons against humanity under the false cover story that they are saving humanity. What better way to pursue deliberate chemically-induced population control than to convince people they are being injected "for their own good?"

This is precisely why Bill Gates famously said:

The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.

Why would Bill Gates be talking about vaccines REDUCING human population if vaccines didn't secretly contain sterilization agents? Remember, Gates is the same person who has funded all sorts of sterilization technologies including one that blasts men's scrotums with high-intensity sound waves to make them infertile

Top tools for human depopulation

Gates is part of a covert medical cabal that believes aggressive human depopulation is urgently necessary to save the planet. This group, which includes many scientists and virologists, believe that the most effective tools for human depopulation are:

1) Vaccines which are covertly spiked with sterilization chemicals.
2) Genetically engineered viruses with a high mortality rate, possibly engineered to target specific races and genetic profiles.

For example, Dr. Charles Arntzen, head of The Biodesign Institute for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology recently joked about using an engineered virus to cull the human population, saying "That's the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus. (laughter) Twenty-five percent of the population is supposed to go in Contagion."

As I wrote on October 22, 2014, many virologists believe humans are nothing more than a "parasite" to be consumed by viruses which are the planet's "immune response" to human overpopulation. Here's a passage from the book "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston, summarizing the way these scientists think:
...the earth is mounting an immune response against the human species. It is beginning to react to the human parasite, the flooding infection of people, the dead spots of concrete all over the planet, the cancerous rot-outs in Europe, Japan and the United States, thick with replicating primates [i.e. humans], the colonies enlarging and spreading and threatening to shock the biosphere with mass extinctions. 
Perhaps the biosphere does not "like" the idea of five billion humans. Or it could also be said that the extreme amplification of the human race, which has occurred only in the past hundred years or so, has suddenly produced a very large quantity of meat, which is sitting everywhere in the biosphere and may not be able to defend itself against a life form that might want to consume it... 
The earth's immune system, so to speak, has recognized the presence of the human species and is starting to kick in. The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by the human parasite.
What's extraordinary in all this -- both with vaccines and viruses engineered as weapons -- is how the most influential people in the scientific community have come to view humanity as an enemy to be destroyed via tools of medicine and science. Frighteningly, modern medical science has the tools to carry out its genocidal assaults on humankind through "accidental" releases of deadly viruses or "accidental" contamination of vaccines with sterilization chemicals.

The evidence of deliberate sterilization chemicals in United Nations vaccines raises the obvious question: Was the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa also intentional? And what else might scientists, vaccine pushers, world health authorities and governments have in mind for human depopulation in the years ahead?

Is there already something in the food supply that causes sterilization? The answer is a definite YES, and just like the pandemic viruses, it too is genetically engineered.

The five vectors for destroying humanity

These are the vectors for the science-based genocidal assault on humanity:

1) Vaccines
2) Viruses
3) Food
4) Water
5) Chemtrails (i.e. atmospheric deployment of chemicals)

All five of these vectors present "opportunities" for genocidal scientists to achieve their goal of human sterilization and depopulation. That is precisely why anyone who wishes to survive the great human culling now under way must take extraordinary steps to isolate themselves from institutionally-produced food, water and medicine. The only safe food, water and medicine is that which was produced independently and far outside the control of Big Food, Big Ag and Big Pharma.

Don't drink the city water without filtering it first, and read my laboratory testing results for all popular water filters at 

Don't eat factory-produced food. Don't allow yourself to be injected with weaponized vaccines. Don't take Big Pharma's deadly medicines. Be smart by being skeptical about the claimed "safety" of all those things created by institutions and authorities that quite literally want to kill off a significant percentage of the existing world population.

If you're smart and resourceful, you might just survive this great human culling. On the other hand, those who anxiously line up to be injected with the seasonal flu shots are all admitting they are too stupid and gullible to last long in a world where "science" has declared a covert war on human life.


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