Saturday, December 7, 2013

How To Eat A Vegan Diet In La Veta

Stuff I buy at Charlie's, Safeway in Walsenburg, or at Natural Grocers in Pueblo...

1. Produce

I always get a box of Bananas. Organic or Conventional doesn't matter, try both and see which you prefer. Don't trust conventional? Read my post about it here:

Take them out of the box as soon as you get home and set them out in a clump together so they can ripen properly. They are ripe when you can make a slight indent in their peel with your finger (they will have lots of spots which means they have the anti-tumor necrosis factor present, and they're sweeter, the starches have converted to simple sugars which are easier to digest).
If you can't eat them all as quick as you'd like, put them in the fridge before they become too ripe.
You can also put them in the freezer (unpeeled and in freezer bags) IF you have a masticating juicer or high powered blender, that can turn them into an edible banana nice freeze.
I usually use my bananas for smoothies. If you are using frozen bananas make sure to use a high powered blender because you will break your blender with ice/frozen food if it is not high-powered. If you want extra sweetness or flavor try the following ingredients:

2. Stahlbush Farms Organic Frozen Berries (I like their packaging [it's bio-degradable], but you may use another brand.)

 3. Coconut Sugar or Sucanat (Organic or Non-GMO Project Verified to avoid GMOs, and Fair-trade, because sugar is often harvested with slave-labor.) By the way, all cane sugar is non-GMO. Sugar beets are GMO, however.

Refined white sugar is bad for your health because it takes nutrition away from your body to digest. Try to get the darkest sugar possible, that's palatable. I just list the BEST (most nutritious) options.

 4. Singing Dog Alcohol-Free Vanilla Drops

5. Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, Mesquite & Carob Powders...

Grow your own food, too! 
It might be cold in the winter, but if you start early- you May get a good harvest!
When I lived in La Veta, I had three plots at the community garden. Awesome!


6.  Potatoes, Yams and Sweet Potatoes

7. Rice Milk

8. Arrowhead Mills Gluten Free Sprouted Corn Flakes (always get organic or GMO-free Project Certified corn products.) GMOs aren't allowed in the production of organic foods.

9. Ancient Harvest Organic Quinoa (Corn) Pasta (cheaper and more variety at Natural Grocers)

10. Bionaturæ Organic Tomato Paste (BPA and BPB free! [because of the glass jar.])

 11. Bionaturæ Organic Diced Tomatoes, or any other brand that's GMO-free project certified or organic (citric acid can be GMO.)

12. Dried Italian Herbs  

Use it in spaghetti sauce.

You can also grow your own fresh herbs- and hang them to dry when the season is at a close (before the frost hits).

Stuff you can get at Charlie's Market...

1. Natural Directions Organic Jelly

I eat white rice and sweet potatoes with this. :)

2. Natural Directions Organic Brown Rice

3. Natural Directions Organic Medium Salsa

 4. Ancient Harvest's Organic Quinoa (Corn) Spaghetti

5. Natural Directions Organic Tomato Sauce

 6. Natural Directions Organic Salt-Free Diced Tomatoes

7. Oogave Soda/KeVita Sparkling Probiotic Drink

Oogave Soda Website
Kevita Sparkling Probiotic Drink Review

This is my diet in La Veta. I tweak everything so that I get less than 1g of salt a day for minimal salt-retention (or water weight). I also make sure to keep my fat intake below 1/3 an avocado a day- or under 10g of overt fats. As you can see, I don't eat higher-protein foods because I get plenty of protein from just EATING (read my blog post about getting enough protein while vegan HERE) and it actually adds fat to your body when eaten regularly. I'm not perfect, though, sometimes I will have a can of Natural Directions Organic Chili Beans! Also, you may eat more avocados if you aren't planning on doing any strenuous physical activities. 

I hope you learn from my example- and can try out the high-carb- high-energy, optimum cooked/raw vegan diet. Try eating fully raw, or transition to fully raw (fruits and vegetables only) with the aforementioned cooked foods. Remember to eat fruits before cooked foods to avoid candida overgrowth from the faster digesting fruits fermenting behind the slower-to-digest cooked foods.

You can also find may of the ingredients listed above online to order.

Take care!

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