Saturday, August 24, 2013

Basic Suggestions for Newbies.

  Okay so, you're a newbie, or you're reading this to critique me or see what I have to say. Either way- thanks for visiting my blog.

  Anyways- I think it's important that I lay out what some of the most important 'rules' would be whilst following- (to then lead) a High Carb, Raw, Vegan- (Fruitarian) 80/10/10 (or better yet, 90/5/5), lifestyle.

  First of all if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I am suggesting the ratios of carbohydrate/fat/protein on a raw vegan diet. This ratio is easily achieved by sticking with what's best for our bodies- copious amounts of sweet fruit, non-sweet fruit, vegetables, and leafy greens.

  If you are unfamiliar with the book 80/10/10, you can buy it at from Dr. Doug Graham, or I can send you it for free, just e-mail me at

  Before reading this post I suggest reading, "My FIRST Real Blog". In it, there is a wealth of information and sources from/about me, which shouldn't be missed.

  Here we go!

SeeDs Of SuCCeSS : Guidelines.

1. Drink 3-4 liters of water a day.

  For most people, a 5% drop in body fluids equals a 25-30% drop in energy. Your body is made up of 75% water, and just like the planet- which is 70% H2O -- and your skin, ironically -- you need the water to.. flourish and thrive.

  Proper hydration is essential. If your body fluids dropped by even 15% -- you'd die. Dehydration manifesting as dis-ease. fatigue, digestive disorders, skin problems, bulimia, obesity, depression, foggy thinking, headaches, and even cancer are common issues -- common like soda pop & booze.

  Dehydration causes the metabolism to drop by 3%. Our brain doesn't have a signal telling us whether we're 'hungry' or 'thirsty'. When the body requires basic nutrition- that's what we scavenge for. So, it's good to eat water rich fruits and vegetables -- along with drinking lots of the water that keeps our spirits up and our bodies functioning at their best. There's no need to binge on nutritionally void foods, trying to satisfy cravings.. and you wonder why so many foods are void of nutrition these days. More product- equals more sales- equals more profits.

  Drinking more water also nourishes the skin. If we don't drink enough, the skin will be 'ignored' to secure the functioning of other vital organs- the brain and heart. Basically, your superficial appearance will suffer! This is true especially because water facilitates the absorption of micro-nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and builds the blood to circulate through and detoxify the body. Drinking water will effectively flush wastes and toxins out through supporting digestion and cell functions.

  Here are some more facts to show you how important hydration is!

  A six-year study published in the May 1, 2002 American Journal of Epidemiology found that those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses.

  Drinking the equivalent of 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%.

  Drinking 2 liters of water a day decreases the risk of breast cancer by 79%.

Your Personal Calculator: 1 Liter of H2O for every 40 pounds (18 kilos or 2.85 stone) of body weight.

  Drinking water 15 minutes before a meal will also improve digestion.

  Best not to drink your water during meals, this hinders digestion efficiency.

  I just swish water around in my mouth when I'm done eating. Adding water to smoothies is fine.

  Water takes 10-15 minutes to leave the stomach.
(Watery fruits like grapes and melon take about the same time.)

  You also absorb a lot of water through your skin and it's important that this water is - fluoride-, heavy metal- and chemical-free. I use the ProPur water filtration system and I recommend it as it is the best one on the market, get it for 10% off using the code WATER here:

I also use the Crystal Quest shower filter. Get it here:

2. Keep Fat on The DL.

  Yes, limit your fats. I recommend hemp seeds and chia seeds as they are low in fat and have an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and Omega(-3)'s. If you choose to consume nuts, I would do so only on rare occasions, a couple small palm-fulls at a time. Nut butters should be limited to two tablespoons, 2 times a week, if at all. Avocados should be limited to 1 half per day. One overt fat a day, if at all, is the limit for good health, and for women it is suggested to eat at least 1 avocado a week, for femininity alone. ;)

  Lipids, as fats, take 24 hours to leave the bloodstream, and it's best to keep the blood-sugar levels low for many 'reasons', or consequences that occur when one eats too much fat - wherein sugar from carbohydrates is not allowed to enter the cells efficiently, raising the blood sugar.

  In my experience, I've had acne break-outs, lethargy, and stomach problems from eating too much fat from nuts/seeds/avocados. To me it's just not worth it to compromise my health, especially since problems like to express through my skin -- and effects my 'beauty' which has dramatic effects on my mind-state and life 'experience'. It's funny -- after having such high-energy while eating lots of bananas and other fruits -- after I had been literally *bouncing* up the stairs, as a consequence of eating some nuts, my legs felt weighted down. I was now 'drudging' up the stairs. It can seem so normal to feel this way, too- unless you can also remember how good it feels to be properly fueled -- with carbohydrate-rich SUGARY fruits!

  It is recommended by Dr. Doug Graham to not eat more than 10g of overt fats a day to keep the blood sugar regulated- this is the same as half of an avocado. To calculate how much fat you are eating in grams visit and create an account. You can type in any food you like and read the micronutrient amounts in grams for any food. Other reasons to not eat fat include having a period, and again, acne. Whenever I eat too much fat these two symptoms of detoxification show up. Please read my blog post about Menstruating by visiting the link provided below:

3. Don't be afraid of eating a lot of fruit.

  Don't be afraid of calories piling up like bananas when eating enough fruit to satisfy your body. Calories In = Accessible Energy Output. The more fruit you eat the better you will feel, and the more 'oomph' you will have to do what you love. Try every fruit you possibly can. Don't judge yourself, be ashamed, or condemn your fruity ways. Even if you are eating Tamarind, or what I call 'poo-fruit'. Lol. Accept yourself, and accept the fruit- with love, as with all other things in life. Don't take it personal when people are quick to judge- their reactions are useless- unless they were cre-hated to abuse you (also futile/useless)- which you should not accept or allow within yourself and others in/as this world. Be forgiving of yourself when allowing fear to control your life and your expression, however vunerable you feel. It's all really how you see it. Or how you don't. Breathe.
"If you are comfortable with being vulnerable, you will attract love."

- Deepak Chopra

  Be thankful. Enjoy the delicious fruits that nature gives freely.

  If you aren't eating enough, you will start to crave, and eventually eat- less then optimal, 'calorie sources'.

  When you have eaten enough your cravings will be easier to handle, and eventually, will become non-existent. Feed your cells! Get enough protein by eating enough fruit and vegetables and make sure to read my post about protein as well. It may take a long time to lose weight as perceived by you, but be patient, it will be well worth the effort. Do your body good!

4. Take care of your Choppers!

  Looking around the net you may have seen some pictures, or even stories, about people with rotted teeth coming from a fruitarian diet. What's sad about this is- they blame fruit sugar. Now everyone considering a fruit based diet is afraid their teeth will rot out! The truth is fruits do not cause cavities, poor dental-hygiene does. (Fruit polishes your teeth gently with it's fluffy sweet fiber. :))

  In the last couple months, I noticed myself getting some light brown discolorations on my teeth- and I was starting to think I needed to brush my teeth more. But I didn't because I felt like I was brushing my teeth enough. I was actually dreading the task of brushing because it took so long (around 20 minutes for me). Now think- if you were brushing your teeth for around 40 minutes everyday, would you want to brush them MORE? No, of course not.

  So, I had been in this battle with myself about brushing my teeth. Thinking that I was doing the right thing by brushing so much- but then finding that my tooth health was not optimal even after continuing this grueling practice daily.

  As I was finished with the last section of this blog (above), I knew that I should do a section on dental hygiene because so many people are confused and fearful to start a fruitarian diet for this reason. Yet, I felt uncomfortable giving anyone else advice with my own teeth being discolored.

  But as soon as you know it, I stumbled upon a video by Kristina Carillo-Bucaram- and I remembered why 'perfectly' clean teeth become discolored in the first place. It's because when you brush too much- there are bacterium that leave their mark as discoloration, basically, they shit on your teeth. So- the problem was that I was brushing too much. Thank heavens!

  So, how should we really take care of our teeth on a fruitarian diet? It's no problem, actually.

  Check out the following videos and you will be well on your way to loving your healthy smile!

  I stopped the practice of brushing my teeth so roughly, after learning this will scrub off the enamel on your teeth.

  Now, I simply brush my teeth lightly in all the spots without becoming obsessive of making every nook and cranny 'squeaky clean'. I use Eco-Dent Whitening Tooth-Powder, Eco-Dent Floss, and a Terra-Dent toothbrush. I also have found the banana peel whitening method to work well. It's good to minimize your brushing time. My teeth feel very clean and I haven't brushed them for a full day. Also, avoid eating nuts/seeds, and dried fruits too often because these will stick to your teeth and cause cavities to develop.

5. Get Enough Sleep!

  Before electricity, people used candles, and before candles people were guided by the stars at night. It takes much more time then has elapsed since the first flames were lit for our biochemistry to evolve. Thus, we are accustomed, biologically, to winding down at night to then rest while the sun is down. Health, beauty and vitality are all boosted when we get a good nights sleep- and it is recommended that you sleep as much as you need to repair and rejuvenate for a new day. Many people sleep/rest for 12 hours a night. Make sure to go to sleep with the sun as to not be awakened early when it rises! Take naps, too, if necessary.

"Sleep is the best meditation." - His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

6. Keep it Fresh and Alive. Go Outside, Workout!


  In the future I plan on writing a blog about why I don't believe in calorie restricting as a part of a holistic natural lifestyle. For now, I'll state the obvious. Exercise and diet tie into eachother. Food is fuel for ease of energetic movement, and pleasure in what you do. So why not eat to your hearts content? That just means you'll have more energy to burn! You have an internal gauge to tell you what you need when you're hungry, and scientifically speaking you need about 5g of carbohydrates per pound of body weight a day. For a 200 lb. man, that's 1000g of carbs, or 32 bananas/7 cups of rice a day!

  You have to exercise in this physical world to maintain health and vigor. We want to be active! So, go outside and get fit, move your body and enjoy it- figure out what you like and what you're willing to do to burn fat and gain muscle tone, and do it... but only if you truly enjoy doing it. Be careful. If you injure yourself in the process you may have strayed from your body's wishes to perhaps not do what you were doing. Be honest with yourself, or suffer the consequences. I actually injured my knee by exercising too much when I didn't enjoy doing it, (I wasn't eating enough, either), and it was all in vain, I gained the weight back!

  It's so important to keep in contact with the outdoors because it's our true home, where we belong. We gather energy and life force from the earth, the water, the green-scapes- and skies. When cut-off from our natural environment, we even lose a sense of creativity that is integral to our problem solving skills.

"Interacting with nature has real, measurable benefits to creative problem-solving," says University of Utah psychology professor David Strayer. "Natural environments are associated with gentle, soft fascination, allowing the executive attentional system to replenish." 

  Mother earth cares for us all. Enjoy what life has to offer, feel good!

7. Eat Enough Carbs!

 I don't care if you're a raw, or cooked 100% low-fat, low-protein, high-carber (because these two are the best), just make sure you are eating enough calories and carbohydrates to satisfy your body's needs. I recommend high-glycemic fruits like bananas, persimmons and dates for the bulk of your calories- along with plenty of water-rich fruits, protien-rich vegetables and leafy greens, including cooked foods such as rice, organic gluten-free pasta, and potatoes/sweet potatoes/yams where needed. If you restrict yourself you will binge later, because naturally if you create a deficit, you will create a debt which must be paid sooner or later. Chow down, chicka.

   Enjoy your life, eat as much healthy food as you feel like eating, don't be superficial- in fact, eliminate those ways of thinking- love yourself here and now, don't be afraid of what other people think- we're all equal and anyone who makes you feel bad is not better then you. Still, you are only 'better than them' if you are willing to love, accept and stand up for yourself, and within that you will be supporting all to unconditionally express themselves with love, as well.

  Eat when you are sad, eat when you are depressed- eat when your boyfriend breaks up with you! Just eat what your body can actually use- what Mother Nature provides herself in the garden and in the orchards. Eat after you exercise, too, this helps top up your glycogen stores after your sweat-session and builds muscle!

8. Buy a Blender!

  A lot of the time when my bananas don't taste so good I throw them in my Vitamix blender and make a smoothie. This makes it easier to obtain the benefit from them without having to take the time and effort to eat them whole.

I love my banana smoothies, they taste amazing!

It took me quite a while (from new years 2012 until spring 2013) to get my Vitamix, and I was eating everything whole.

I really didn't enjoy eating all those bananas because- frankly, they made me want to vomit. You don't exactly get the cream of the crop in Colorado.

 What was also a drag was having to chop everything, which took too long, and gave me sore finger joints. Now I can chop anything in a flash, for salsas, sauces, soups and dips. I recommend the Vitamix 300 instead of the 7500 (which I own), because I don't use any of the extra features on it, and the stainless steel look doesn't hold up well even after a couple months.

Although the Vitamix IS the best blender on the market, it's best to always have a blender on hand, so get yourself a cheap one if necessary.

9. Choose Organic!

  Organic sources of fruits and vegetables are much better for our bodies then conventional. This is because conventional practices use pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides which are poisonous chemicals, polluting our planet, and our bodies. They also stunt a plants full nutritional potential and hinder taste.

  I would avoid conventional produce as much as possible because the substances sprayed on fruits and vegetables can make you very sick. Organic produce tastes better and has more nutrition- so you spend less and gain more in the end. You are also avoiding GMO's when you buy organic produce because genetically modified organisms are not allowed in products with organic certification.


In conclusion, I'd like to share with you this video I found- from two guys at the Woodstock Fruit Festival.

Hope you enjoyed! Comments and questions below this post.
Thanks for reading, take care!

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