Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Cause Of Migraines

Today as I was reading an article from from which I receive daily news articles, I was disappointed when I searched to no avail for the link between diet and migraines.

To read this article visit the link below:

This is a great example of how in news articles, not everything is true and some things are even left out.

What is not being told to the masses is that candida albicans are actually beneficial, and candida overgrowth is due to high blood sugar, which is caused by excess fat in the bloodstream. When too much fat is consumed, glucose cannot be absorbed by the cells for fuel.

Glucose is good for us, it is every cells primary energy source. Ketones from coconut oil can also be used for energy (which has helped many patients with diseases like ALS, MS, and AIDS that have the same problem of too much fat in the blood), but using coconut oil is a quick fix and is inferior to lowering one's fat intake to include more simple and complex carbs found in fruits, vegetables, and starches.

Now, are you serious about halting the return of your migraines forever? 

All you have to do is keep your saturated fat intake (especially saturated animal fats) below 10-15g a day.

Or, better yet... get them out of your diet, altogether.

Good fats come from whole plant foods in their unprocessed/minimally processed state. 

Young Coconut
Durian Pods

Saturated fats come from animal foods, and heavily processed plant foods like oil.

Low-carb diets are Dangerous to your Health, and unsustainable.
All Seafood has been affected by Fukushima meltdown and is now Extremely Radioactive. Read my post: Fukushima Radiation Results.
Dairy products, despite their title, actually do not come from dairy's but Factory Farms. Milk products are the product of artificial insemination (rape), and cruelly sacrificing calves to the veal industry. Milk products are so acidic that the calcium they contain is of no relevance to bone health. Animal protein in general is the cause of osteoporosis. Read my post: The Dope On Milk.
If diverted, grain from the meat industry could end starvation. The correlation of meat consumption and cancer are congruent. Read my post: Meet your Meat.
Try an oil-free dressing like stone-ground mustard with apple cider vinegar, 'BraggBerry' or 'Hawaiian' from Bragg's. You can even make your own in a blender with fresh produce.

Saturated fats are not necessary in the diet. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats however, are good for you and unlike saturated fat- they can be used by the body since they haven't been oxidized from processing, and are available as food for us from nature, (and not already used by the animal whom you're eating!)

To be sure you're not exceeding your saturated fat intake limit, check the nutritional facts of what you eat!

Also, it is important to avoid eating raw foods, especially fruits, after cooked foods. Cooked foods are foreign to our physiology, because we evolved eating raw foods for the majority of our history, (over 60 million years.) On the other hand, cooked foods are relatively foreign to our physiology, and much harder/slower to digest. Raw foods are much easier to digest, and fast to digest at that. Don't eat cooked foods before raw foods or else you'll have backed-up food and a lot of fermentation, which causes Candida Albicans overgrowth.

Check out the Raw 'til 4 diet by visiting this link:

If you have a headache right now

...or you get one in the future and it's too late to change what you ate- try snorting cayenne powder like the article recommends, or consuming ginger, fresh is best. My partner Reid took ginger in his (chamomile) tea during his cold and his migraine and congestion were substantially decreased (by over 75%).

Water is also very good for you. aim for a gallon a day.

Read about: How Clean Drinking Water Can Cure Ebola

Also, Mercury amalgams may be causing your migraines, learn more about amalgams, HERE.

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