Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Are You Eating Enough Protein?!

Have you been asked about your protein intake living on a vegetarian or a vegan diet? As frustrating as it may be, this question will take you on a journey of asking yourself that very same question.

Truth be told- it's mostly just hogwash what people say. You actually don't need to worry about your protein.

You don't really need meat, eggs, milk or cheese- but the factory farms etc., depend on you to buy their 'products'- so they are dishonest, and sadly, most people don't realize this, irregardless of the abuse for profit these companies undergo at the expense of all.

Marketing these days- it's despicable, really.

Have you been lied to about protein? Don't get scammed. Protein (whey) powder is as good as 'snake-oil', it's an industrial waste product! It's in the water that is separated in cheese making. Cheese actually became popular when skim milk did.

Worried about Complete Proteins? -- Go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_combining

Worried about getting enough protein on a Fruitarian diet? (only fruits) -- All you need to worry about is getting enough calories from fruit for you, to get enough protein. That means eat mean you're hungry!

Research your 'protein sources' @ http://www.cronometer.com!

Learn about your foods. :-)

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