Monday, November 10, 2014

How root canals lead to a diseased body and what you can do to about it

(NaturalNews) Melanie was a young mother of two children and a housewife when she became ill. First her ear began popping every time she swallowed and she could feel the pressure of fluid in her ear. Soon it was hard to swallow. Gynecological problems were followed by systemic symptoms of overwhelming pain and fatigue. Eventually, Melanie, sick as she was, was forced to go get a job in order to pay her medical bills. She was miserable and in constant pain until the day she had her dead tooth pulled.

Before any of her symptoms began, Melanie had an infected tooth and a subsequent root canal. Later, although she experienced no pain at the site, the tooth was the root of her health problems. She felt better the first day that tooth was pulled, and all of her symptoms disappeared with a few months.

Melanie's story is not uncommon, though the realization that the root canal is the source of disease is uncommon. Many people who have had a root canal suffer from a sudden onset of chronic disease and never realize the connection.

Why root canals are dangerous

After a root canal is performed, the tooth is dead. The remaining tissue and structure now provides a ripe environment for remaining bacteria. Tooth material (dentine) is not solid. It is rife with tubules - incredibly small canals or tunnels. If you were to stretch out the tubules in each tooth, tubules from incisors would reach 3 miles, while tubules from molars would reach 9 miles.

Once the pulp is removed from the tooth, there is no longer a blood or oxygen supply. The bacteria that remain can mutate to an anaerobic form and multiply until there are millions living within the tubules of the dead tooth. From there, they secrete potent toxins.

Holistic practitioners are finding these dead teeth are often a source of disease for the body - everything from unexplained symptoms to cancer. For example, Dr. Garcia tells of a woman who consulted several doctors for a mysterious swelling in one leg. Within one day after Dr. Garcia removed the woman's tooth (an old root canal), the swelling was gone. When Dr. Thomas Rau, a Swiss physician who specializes in breast cancer, learned of the possible link between root canals and cancer, he investigated his last 150 patients and found that 97% of them did have one or more root canals - and they were on the same meridian side of the body as the cancer!

A dead tooth may spew toxins into the body with no detectible symptoms - no pain, no swelling of the gums - nothing to alert you that it is wrecking havoc upon your immune system and causing chronic and acute medical conditions that you are attempting to cure.

Speak with your holistic dentist about extracting and replacing cadaverous teeth and how to proceed with ongoing dental care. In the meantime, you must eat a diet that aids you in releasing those toxins, while building and supporting the immune system.


My note: If you have had root canal(s) in the past, talk to a HOLISTIC dentist about removing dead teeth and make sure to eat a healthy (fruit and vegetable rich diet) to boost your immune system. Stay away from GM (genetically modified) food (unorganic soy, canola, cottonseed, corn, sugar [from sugar beets], yellow neck and zucchini squash, and hawaiian papaya. Choose organic for these foods because genetically modified organisms are not allowed in organic food production. Read labels!) Eat simple meals from whole foods, avoid man-made ingredients and heavily processed foods, and remember to go vegan!)

Thanks for reading, and sharing!

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P.S. I also strongly suggest watching the video below where Peter Csere explains why zirconium implants are the way to go when it comes to ditching your dead teeth.

Subscribe! He's got lots of great videos to keep you educated and entertained. 
Peter Csere I remember seeing one dentist in Tijuana quote about $1500 for a titanium implant and porcelain crown, so a zirconium implant might be a little more than that, but I haven't gotten a quote for a zirconium implant yet. Some of the mexico dentists you can email them for a quote.  
In America you can expect to pay 2,3,4 times more for most dental work so a titanium implant might run you $3,000 dollars and more for zirconium. Also note that if you find any surprisingly low quotes - some dentists misleadingly quote for only the implant (then once you do it, you find out the crown is more.)  
You can get a tooth extracted if you're worried about a root canal (make sure the dentist puts in bone grafting material afterwards, to make a good base for the implant) and then you must wait at least a few months before the implant is put in (to reduce swelling, allow the bone grafting material to work, etc.) before you get the implant. If you're short on money you can wait a few years to put the implant in - just not longer or else you might see bite malformation and bone loss in the jaw in that area. There is also the possibility of having just an implant put in, to save money and prevent bone loss, and then having the crown put in later.

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  1. cheap effective holistic dentist near Phoenix, AZ? Do you recommend the zirconium implant for long term health? I have a right lateral incisor root canal which was made about 4 years ago. Help? thanks :)


      Yes, I do recommend it because otherwise your jaw bone will be absorbed due to lack of purpose, which can deform your mouth. Zirconium is the best option.

      I suggest eating a proper diet of mostly fruits and veggies, choosing vegan options for dinner like pasta, rice, baked potato wedges, etc. Look for more recipes on this blog. Dr. McDougall and Freelee the Banana Girl both are great sources for healthy low-fat vegan options. This will help your immune system, and really, your body as a whole deal with your health issue, and issues to come!

      Try to get health insurance if you cannot afford an extraction + a zirconium implant.
